There is always something happening at my house.....
I wonder why there is always something happening here. The other day no power, then no blogger, now no satellite tv! And those are 3 things we can not live without them! The last night we did not have signal in our tv. My mom called the company that gives us the service. They gave instructions to her. It was "half" fixed. Half because we could watch only some channels. So this morning my mom called again. They said someone would come to check at 5 pm. My mom came home earlier. We were waiting.... and waiting.... and waiting.... She called again. The satelliteman was on his way. Finally he came. He checked everything. The problem was a switch. He changed it and.... Ta-Da! Is working! Now we are watching the Yankees game... and they are losing!
Have a good night
you are one patient little doggie. We hate it when the tv repair man makes us wait. We might miss something important on Animal Planet!
PS. Boo Yankees. Go Angels and Dodgers!
Woo were so good to sit there and wait for things to get fixed. And congrats on another great award.
We missed seeing woo in a pretty dress today but woo have a very sleek body there.
Wags, the OP Pack
I am so glad you got your tv back! I don't watch much tv but my hoomans and Baylee love to watch tv.
Harrrrrrr Lorenza
I hate it when the Sat goes out and dosent come back Harrrrr. glad it got fixed up Harrrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
We would be lost without our satellite. Sometimes Momma even leaves it on for us when she leaves. No cute dress today?
Princess Eva
Hi, Lorenza -
Congratulations on your award. You deserve it.
No satellite TV? Mama and Papa would be lost without it too.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
thank goodness for those repair people, huh?
glad you are back to watching TV!!!
Hi Lorenza!
When people come over to our house to fix something, we don't just watch them, we go crazy and bark at them. You're such a good doggie!
We wouldn't be able to live without those things either! Glad you're tv is back to normal!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Fico contente que a sua tv está funcionando bem agora!
Parabéns pelo award!
Tenha uma boa noite!
G'day Lorenza
Congrats for your award :-)
We don't have satellite at all :-(
Congrats on your award! You are a very kind blogger! Lightning killed our satellite dish--for the 4th time. My mom decided to give up on that. Glad you got yours back though--sometimes you really have to fight for yourself.
love & wags,
You being able to watch was clearly good luck because they won tonight!!!
Congratulations for the award Lorenza !
It is great that the satelliteman has done such a great job. I can leave without TV but I don't think my humans could...
Kisses, Faya
Congratulations on your award. Hope you got your TV sorted.
Simba x
Congrats on your award! You certainly deserve it!
Glad your tv is fine now. Guess there are some hiccups going around in our communication and entertainment areas lately.
I know just how you feel, Lorenza. When our cable goes out I get mad, and when our power (specifically our air conditioning) goes out I go nuts!!
Oh.. I'm glad your satellite is fixed now. :)
~ Girl girl
Hi, Lorenza...
I hate TV & computer problems...What did anyone ever do without these things??
I'm glad your TV came back...
Abby xxxooo
Oh you so deserve that award!!! Your tail looks like it was a perfect antenna in the one photo! Who needs the dish man when you have antenna tail !!!!
wags from the whippets
Hi Lorenza, glad to hear that it's fixed now. Will you be watching the Beijing Olympics too? Enjoy!
Love, Dino
Whew! Glad you got your satellite fixed! Hope that's it for the breaking stuff. My mom says things come in 3's so you should be ok now.
Ooooh Miss Lorenza are you also a NYY fanpup??!?
If I wasn't a yankee fanpup I think my mommy would disown me! :X
That was smart of you to keep an eye on the satellite man Lorenza! You never know if they are going to do a good job unless you inspect the work. Glad your TV is back and that you got such a nice award.
Your friend,
My goodness there are a lot of things happenin' at your house latley....no satellite TV....awful....bet ya were happy when that repairman finally came...too bad about the Yankees....the Pgh. Pirates lose a lot but they almost had a no-hitter yesterday.....almost doesn't count......
Dewey Dewster here....
Dewey Dewster here....
That was aneaw-disastew..I'm glad it got fixed, but sowwy that the yankees lost
smoochie kisses
Poor Lorenza! No power, no blogger, no satellite tv...what will be next? It better not be "no food"!
Thank you for the award, sweet girl!
We agree with you, Lorenza! There are certain priorities in life and one is TV and one is the computer and it takes electricity to run them both! We're so glad you're all set!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hola Lorenza,
Ya regerse del kennel...Felicitaciones por el premio! Yo tambien cuando no hay cable a veces me aburro pero tambien me gusta ya que mi master juega conmigo mas tiempo.
Thank goodness that you got your satellite fixed! I could not live without my cable tv.
Hugs, Kodak
We're having tv trouble too and the repair guy is supposed to be at our house at 5 pm tonight. We can still watch all our channels, but they're all fuzzy. We just got it installed so we're sure the guy that hooked it up a few days ago did it wrong.
That was a khomplete strikeout fur woo!!
Three furry necessary things for a khomfy khanine!!!
Gracias fur the award!!!!
I'm blushing but woo khan't tell -
I don't get TV, satellite or not. If there is a dog barking on there and I bark back, the Mum says to be quiet! I want to bark back!
We are so glad that you got your satellite fixed.. You have to watch animal planet right??
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
It's a good thing all those didn't happen at the same time, Lorenza. Then you'd really have a problem. Glad everything is up and running now.
WOO WOO Lorenza
What an beautiful award and No TV - we watch Animal Planet all day while Mom works - we would be very unhappy without our TV
Thor and Marco Polo
I'm so glad that man fixed your satellite! It would be so horrible without it!
Now you can kick back and watch the Animal Planet channel, and Greatest American Dogs show, hehe.
Next time, call me, I'll come right over.
Poor Lorenza, I hope everything go well after this. Happy weekend!!
Wow! that had to be a rough day!
Our cable went out recently, and Staffer Mom didn't understand what it meant when we explained that it was "Project Runway" night.
(We have already decided we don't like Stella or Blayne....go Joe.)
hi Lorenza, YAY! everything is working now, (we hope, still). it is so frustrating when things do not work. we are still amazed at how you can live in 112 degrees temperature without your air conditioning. we get hot when it is 80 degrees here!
you are a good supervisor for the satellite TV repair person.
Congratulations on the award, Lorenza! It's perfect for you!
We've been catching up with blogs - Blogger has NOT been kind to us!
I'll bet that bride was jealous of your pretty dress when she saw you. You always look so sweet!
Thank goodness it is fixed!1 Congratulations on your award! Love and kisses A+A
Oh no! Life without power, blogger, and satellite tv??? I can't even imagine. I'm glad everything is back to normal!
AHHH.. no satellite TV means no HBO? No Animal Planet??
Glad that it was fixed.. *whew*
Oh I love to snuggle with my Mommy while she is watching T.V.! I'm glad you got your T.V. up & working! Thanks for the Award you've made me so happy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
No we definitely cannot live without those things...they're very important to us too!!
ps. congrats on your award!!!!!
We have to have our satellite TV too!
lorenza, are you watching the olympic opening ceremony?
wet wet licks
Oh...good thing they fixed the tv before the Olympic Games! After all, you do love Sports! You can watch Soccer as well as Baseball Olympics!
My favorite to watch is Swimming and Gymnastics!
Hey Lorenza, hope nothing will happen at your house again :) glad the satellite is fixed :)
You TOTALLY deserve this award!!!! And nice job with the supervising.
Hooray, Lorenza! But I have to admit, we're a little surprised by how risque you were hosting a satellite repairman without any clothes on. That's very bold of you! (smile)
We don't have a satellite but know how crabby we get when we're without cable!
Congrats on your award...
Wow.. You've got a seriously unhappy face there.. I hope you'll never get mad at me!
No TV is definately an emergency in our house! It's a good thing you were there to supervise that repair. Congrats on the bewootiful pink award.
Our satellite TV is dead too. No TV. The box burned out and they have to mail us one so it could be days. Not sure how the humans will handle this.
I'm glad you got yours fixed. That is a perfect award for a sweet doggie like you.
You are a well-behaved girl!
I cant help barking at any visitors to the house such as deliverymen, repairmen...
Something good will happen to your place soon! Kisses
Thank goodnesss your tv got fixed!! We would be devastated without our satellite (well our parents would be at least!!!):)
The Puppies
i'm glad u got to watch yankee's game...
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