Thursday, November 29, 2007

He won!!!

Helio! Helio! Helio!
He won the competition.... but lost his fiancé!! Someone says that you can't have everything in this life!!

We have finished! This time I really wanted to help my grandma, so I was right there giving her directions while she was putting the ornaments. Almost all the decorations were made by my grandma and my mom. I really like the little angels! The last year I used to take the ornaments from the tree and ran away with them. Not this year. I am well behavied. I just go there to sniff a little and then I take my place in the sofa. I am the guardian of the tree! Now tell me, do you like it??
Have a good night


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I love Helio!!!

And that's a snazzy looking tree!

Peanut said...

That tree is beautiful. My mom says she wishes she was as talented as your grandma and mom.

Jessica said...

Oh Lorenza...We love your tree. It is so beautiful, just like you. And we really like your stocking with your name on it and all. Your house is decorated beautiful!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Asta said...

Youw twee is magical!! absolutely bootiful especially the weally pwetty decowations youw Mom and Gwamom made!
You make an excellent twee guawdian!
I'm glad you'll be able to make it to my pawty..Ruby will be flying as usual.
smoochie kissies

Lacy said...

woofies Lorenza, watt a bute ti ful tree...u mommy and g-ma r sooo talented...heehee wood hate to c me treee iffin mama made to decorations...

b safe,

Juno said...

Lorenza!! We are so so happy Helio won the competition. :)

I love the tree.. it's so bootiful. I am happy to see these Christmas socks as well!!


chiyo said...

wow all those decorations hand-made? they are bootiful! do you have a sock of your own? :)


Xsara and Tani said...

You have a beautiful tree! You apparently live in a very artictic family ... My mom also loves to create things but she very very bad at it!

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Your Christmas tree and decorations are absolutely beautiful. We love them. You mom and grandmaw done an awesome job on the ornaments.

Four Pugz

Patience-please said...

Oh Lorenza it is just a most magnificent tree. We would NOT get that tree confused with indoor plumbing. It is just too gorgeous.

the whippet waggle

Goofy said...

wow.. that tree is beautiful!!! and pawfect!!!

Spencer said...

It's a very nice tree Lorenza!

Joe Stains said...

the tree looks great, you did a great job giving directions! I am sure your gram appreciated it!

Snowball said...

I love your Christmas decorarions, Lorenza. Its just too beautiful!


Luckie Girl said...

I love your christmas tree. The decorations are really nice. I can see that your family is really crafty! They do such bootiful work of art with their hands. :) Is that your outfit for Christmas?

the many Bs said...

Hi Lorenza, yes your tree is lovely. you did a good job helping and supervising. those handmade ornaments are really pretty. you have a talented family to make them.

and YES WE ARE VERY HAPPY ABOUT HELIO. our mom is too. she says he is charming.

whee woofers.

Anonymous said...

Wow your place looks awesome - HM says it looks like the Magic Cave (whatever that is, but I'm sure it's great!)

We especially love your stocking - I hope Santa Paws fills it to the brim for you :)


Harry said...

Your tree is amazingly beautiful, and it's so great that mum and grandma made all the ornaments!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh your tree looks beautiful. You did a pawsome job to help decorate it Lorenza

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

What a gorgeous tree with all of the white ornies! Very, very pretty, Lorenza! We love the Christmas stockings too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Katherine and Pippa said...

I don't understand this tree stuff, but mistress says she likes it. She colour codes, one year blue, another green, another silver or gold.

She has two many ornaments IMHO.


Katherine and Pippa said...

Ooops, I meant too many. She has far more than two many. :(


Unknown said...

que bonito..
feliz fin de semana

L said...

Lorenza - Your tree is very beautiful. Your family is so talented to make such pretty ornaments and you are a great helper. Do you want to come help decorate our house - our girl hasn't done it yet.
Comet and BLU

ps. Our girl said she would volunteer to be Helio's new fiance!

KB said...

i love the tree and the stockings! my mommy says to tell your mommy and grandmommy that she's impressed with their craftmanship (whatever that is).

mommy says she imagines i will be a terror with the ornaments this year, and maybe i should take some lessons from your example of being well-behaved this year.

can't wait to see your 5 facts!

puppy slobber,

Amber-Mae said...

Wooow, the tree is bootiful so is the door!!! Who is the decorator in the house? He/she is really good...hehehe! My hooman M just bought new decos today so my mommy is going to continue decorating the house tomorrow.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i forgot who's d man... but i remember seeing him in my local newspaper...


the tree is so beautiful Lorenza, l saw good taste, talent, you are a great help to grandma as well.

Girasol said...

es un arbol muy hermoso, yo estroy cruzando mis patitas para que mami venga y anime a mi master a que armen el arbol grande.
Mi amstre vio las nocticias de espectaculos sobre Helio, es un buen danzarin.

Lenny said...

Hi Lorenza! Your tree is so beautiful. I'm so glad your favorite Helio won. I don't really watch the show but I saw he gave his lady dancing friend a big kiss - maybe she is his new girlfriend!

Your friend, Lenny

Ricky Pepper said...

Hi Lorenza! Good job guarding that beautiful tree. Your mom and grandma are so very talented!


Toby said...

Hi Lorenza,

You're tree looks pawsome!!! I think it's the best tree I've seen so far! Good job.


Hana said...

Wow, those are handmade decorations? Your Mom and Grandma could have their own craft show! Your tree looks beautiful! The star should be a dog though. It'll have more of an impact if your visitors see a doggie on top of the tree.

Byron y Xinver said...

Of course we like it and we like that your ornaments are home made. Saludos.

Lizzy said...

What a beautiful tree! I think we should start decorating our house now too.


JustMeCopper said...

It's a beautiful tree! And you are a great tree guardian.

Agatha and Archie said...

Your tree is beautifull!! It is lucky to have such a lovely guardian for it!! Love A+A

Noah the Airedale said...

Lorenza, we absolutely love it. Did your mum and grandma really make the decorations...cripes they're talented.
We need you here to help us with our tree. It's going up tomorrow.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Ferndoggle said...

That is the Pawfect Tree Lorenza! I wish ours was here & decorated. I love to sit in front of the tree with all the lights. It illuminates my shiny furs!


Asta said...

Thank you so much fow helping with the petition!
It bweaks all ouw heawts that thewe awe these things happening.
have a wondewful weekend,and see you soon.
smoochie kisses

Boo Casanova said...

omDOG, lorenza, i just saw your own stocking in the previous post! i'm so not up to date! LOL

your tree is sooooooooo wonderful and beautiful and bright and shining and and and, it's a X'MAS TREE!

wet wet licks


The Brat Pack said...

Your Christmas decorations are so pretty!! We were happy Helio won too...but mostly we just didn't want Marie to win. :)


Anonymous said...

Lorenza, that is quite a tree, and you sure have a lot of friends. If I were a boy dog, well...I'd Christen that tree, but I'm not, so I'll just look at the pictures.



Hi Lorenza,
What a beautiful looking tree!! And your mum and grandma made most of the decorations?! Fantastic. We love your stocking and think we need to talk to our mum about getting us some!
Jazz and Dixie

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We hope we get the same kind of tree this year, that we got last year ... ALL of the ornaments were dog toys!!! Sammy kept taking the "ornaments" but on Christmas day he got to keep some of them.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy
The Dachsies

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lorenza, your tree is beautiful! J x

Thor and Jack said...

A árvore ficou muito bonita!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow you do a great job of decorating. I think Louie would do the same thing you did last year. Grab the bulbs and run.

Bogart H. Devil said...

Aw Lorenza, that's a really pretty girlie stocking!!!

Have a great weekend...


Isis said...

You're a great guardian lorenza!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

oh we were so happy Helio won!! I told you how crazy mommy was with her phones in both hands!

oh you helped decorate your tree so good & your stockings look so puurdy with the lights! we're gonna ask mommy to light our stockings keep your paws crossed for us!

Lots of love licks & wagging tails!

Randi said...

Oh Lorenza! You look like a vision in white! An Angel! Sooooooooooo Sweet!

I think your grandma should make stocking for everypup at DWB...She could be santa's helper!

Love & Licks,

Lacy said...

woofies Lorenza, it makies me crwy anybody can treawt a livin, breathin life the way the furkids are treawted in dose mean ole puppy mills...somehow, someway we haff to stop dem...

b safe,

pp's one of us cant do much, but with us united we can do a lot...

Koobuss said...

You tree is beautiful and you have a very important job, Lorenza! But you are up to it, I can see. I also like your T-shirt. You look very comfy.

Your mom and grandmother are very talented. They make beautiful things. I bet you are proud of them, Lorenza.

Good luck taking care of your tree.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Balboa said...

I bet your mommy and grandma are so happy they have you to tell them where to place all the decorations.

My mommy likes your tree, she loves snowmen too!!!!

Frenchie Snorts

Ruby Bleu said...

your tree is so bootiful! Great job supervising. Oh and i especially love your stockings!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

P(ee)S: I'm glad Helio won too!!!

Deefor said...

I love your tree. You are very good not to rearrange and nibble on the pretty ornaments. Don't think I could be that mature.


Stanley said...


Your tree is bootiful. Now I understand why you're guarding it. I love all of your decorations.

Is Veronica your mama?

Goober love,