Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another award!!!

Thanks Moxie and Izzie and Scruffy!

"This award is presented to a successful blogger, one who can “be the blog” - making it their own, staying with it, interacting with the readers, and just plain having fun."
I want to give it to Ruby, Luckie and Sherman, Penny and Lola.

Numero 2

Second attempt. As you can see this one is not successful either! My mom doesn't know what is she going to do! She tried everything to take a good picture and she could not get it! Now she is really worried. Maybe she will need to make some type of photoshop. Problem is.... she is not good doing that! Lets see what happens! And saying that I mean what happens NOW because we have already received the address lists and we have to start making the cards NOW! Wish us luck please!

Have a good night



Patience-please said...

Lorenza, every picture of you is beautiful, our little short-legged houndy relative! We especially like the first one in this series.

Pose pretty for your human so you can be on everydoggies' refrigerators!

the whippet waggle

Anonymous said...

Hey Lorenza - I think your mum needs to be paying you better for modelling - HM has to give me roast chicken treats for behaving in my photo shoots - maybe you can try that??


Lacy said...

woofies Lorenza, u lookies bute ti ful in ever pictur u takies....

b safe,

Noah the Airedale said...

These xmas pics are a chore aren't they??? Hoomans just can't help themselves. Why don't they dress up and post pics of themselves in a santa suit.

Congrats on the award btw.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Lorenza, any of those pictures would be wonderful. We all know how beautiful you are. We would like one of your face and with your eyes open but we are willing to settle for your cute tail!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Lacy said...

woofies Lorenza, me and mama sended u a email, me not nos iffin u checkeded it yets or not...

b safe,

Snowball said...

Congratulations on the award.

You look very pretty in your christmas outfit.


Harry said...

Yes,I think the firsr one is very nice. Maybe mum could crop it so it's mainly you and not background, then it would be perfect.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Katherine and Pippa said...

We like all your piccies too. Your mum has so many good ones - why doesn't she just do a collage with lots of you pix and a couple of chrismassy bits?


Kodak the Eskie said...

We can see why you get lots of awards. You are soo cute! I love all your outfits. I have soo much fur,it doesn't make sense for me to have them.

Hugs and licks,

Duke said...

You wear all of your clothes so well, Lorenza! You're sure one cute girl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Congrats on your award Lorenza! You look funny in that santa costume. Maybe she will get a better shot of you next time.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer


Hi Lorenza
Looks like your mum is just about as successful as ours for taking those Christmas card shots. Well I have to blame it all on Dixie as she just won't cooperate! I'm sick of that flash and just wish she would sit stil for all shot so she would get off our case!!!

Unknown said...

ein lorenza, cuantos premios has recibido ein, felicidades...
ese look ayudante de papa noel te queda muy fashion..

Hammer said...

Hi Lorenza
You look so cute in your Christmas dress. Your mum does better than ours coz we hate our photos being taken, and mum has to try (hehehe) to get the 3 of us to sit still at once (hehehe) .. and then there are the Christmas hats (hehehe).
Love from Hammer

Amber said...

Lorenza, your mom can use the first pic, you are looking at the camera. Your costume is lovely.
Mommy haven't start to make cards yet, she have to wait until her exams are over. Good Luck!!

pssst, you haven't receive the pressie yet? Is taking a long time..

Ruby Bleu said...

Lorenza...thank you so much!!! You're the bestest friend!!! And my goodness your dress is so super cute!!! Do you have a hat with that too???

Your granny really needs to go into business!!!

Lots of Licksk, Ruby

Ferndoggle said...

What an honor! Thank you Lorenza.

We think that first picture is pretty great. You make a great Santa!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Juno said...

Lorenza!! Congrats for the award!!!That read coat looks good on you. I love that black belt.

Momo xoxo

wally said...

Yay! I think you look great in your outfit. I need one of those--I already have a big round belly like a bowl full of jelly! My ma ape has been struggling to coordinate my sissy and I for a photo opportunity.



oh u noti noti Lorenza, that is a nice dress.....give us a good good photo of it.

the many Bs said...

Hi Lorenza, our mom knows what your mom is going through. she has been taking so many pictures of Benson and none of them look any good. she has to order her cards today, so she's gonna give it one more try. if Benson looks terrible on the cards, then that's the way it's gonna be. and we think that YOU look ADORABLE no matter how you are posing. your christmas dress is very very very very very very very very CUTE and you look LOVELY. so we know your christmas card will be just fine. tell your mom not to worry. we wuf you!

happy woofers.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Lorenza, you look beautiful!

Thor and Jack said...

Parabéns pelo prêmio, Lorenza!
O teu blog é muito bom e você é muito especial!
Você ficou linda naquela roupa de natal!


Peanut said...

You look so pretty in your santa dress. We like the first picture. Mom is having a hard time getting our picture done too.

Girasol said...

Lorenza me gusta la primera foto con el atuendo de santa.

Unknown said...

congrats on another award! We love all the photos!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Lorenza,
Thank you for the award. :) I love love the dress your grandma made. She's soo talented..I wish I could give her a big kiss right now! You'll lick her for me won't you?
I think River is right! Your Mom needs to bribe you to sit with some treats. hehe..

Charlie said...

Don't worry - we love all pictures of you!!
- Charlie

Prince said...

Merry X mas ! wish u have a nice coming X mas :)

Too early? hahaha better wish 1st before i forget :p

Boo Casanova said...

lorenza, i haven't started my card yet. hmmmpf! my lazy bum bum mom is delaying!

wet wet licks


Khady Lynn said...

Congratulations on your award!!!

I love you in your Santa suit!!!


Kien said...

hahah Lorenza.. hey, tell mom not to worry.. i think the first picture looks ok.. u can ask mom to ask a bit of glistering stinker on it.. to make it more festive touch..

Good luck..


fee said...

what a lovely santarina outfit! will you be wearing that on christmas day too? methinks you would look nice wearing it in the garden, because green is the complementary colour of red! and the sunshine, i think you'll positively glow in the picture!


Huskee and Hershey said...

You are a pretty lil' Santarina!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hi lorenza de santa... will u come over to malaysia to give me a present through d chimney?

Anonymous said...

Felicitaciones por el premio!!
me encanta tu look, muy navideño.
Ojala salgan bien las tarjetas.

Lenny said...

Lorenza, you look great! I think the first picture is an especially good one. Your Santa dress is awesome!

Your friend, Lenny

Ricky Pepper said...

Our picture taking was a mess, mom finally settled for a picture we were all IN because we kept moving around so much! I think you look so pretty in that santa suit!


KB said...

thanks for stoppin by my blog, i need to start getting on dogs with blogs and checking everyone out - i've just been so busy with figuring out the basics..i love your santa outfit though! mommy says she's buying me a hat or some reindeer antlers..what the?? :) hope all is well...

2 barks,

Clover said...

Hi Lorenza!
Your dress is sooo beautiful! I hope your mom is able to get a good shot for you. I recommend more treats too.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Does your grandma ever sell dresses for other dogs? If she doesn't, she sure could!!

Spencer said...

You make a great Santa Lorenza!

Putz said...

my name is speeding and i am a hearing service dog with a coat just like yours lorenza that says do not pet service dog on the back but people are always asking to pet me so i get petted about twice as much as if i didn't have the coat on which is alright by me cause i love people and especially kids who are the ones afterall who ask to pet me love speeding

The WriggleButts said...

Lorenza - you look bootiful! And that Santa costume really suits you!

the WriggleButts

Asta said...

That is such a boootiful Santa outfit, I hope youw Mommi succeeds in getting the pawfet pictoowe ,so I can have it to put up!
smoochie kisses

Isis said...

Friend! I love the first picture of you looking up at the camera! So adorable! I think that's a great picture if no others work out!


Sophie Brador said...

Lorenza, I think that Claus outfit looks lovely on you. I especially love the way the belt defines your sleak little waist. You are total model material!


Goofy said...

congratulations for the award and btw, the 1st pic looks good too..

Stanley said...


I love all your photos, but I especially like the one where your booty is peaking out from around the door. Were you trying to run away, Mrs. Santa Claws?

Goober love,

Stanley said...

Pee Ess

Congratulations on your award! You deserve every award out there, girlie!

Goob love,

L said...

Lorenza, you look very pretty in your Santa dress. My girl's trick to getting us to look at the camera is that she holds a yummy treat (sometimes meat) in her hand - or if she needs both hands, she holds it in her teeth). That way we look at the treat and beg - and how can you not be cute when begging.

i said...

Congrats on your award!

The santa suit looks great on you, Lorenza!

Koobuss said...

Hey Lorenza,

That first picture is perfect!! You don't need to pose for any more.

Love the Santa suit!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Awe. all the pictures be beautiful because you be a beautiful girl!!

xoxoFour Pugz