Friday, May 2, 2008


It is time to vote! Deetz's Scary Eye Photo Contest! Go there, choose your favorites and vote for them! There are really good pictures!

Making sure everything is in its place!

Counting coins. Every day my mom puts her coins in a jar. And every six months she counts them and take them to the bank to change them for notes and then she saves them for my next visit to the vet. This time she had 950 pesos (around 90 dollars).

Checking her jewelry (all fake!)

Checking her new shirts (work uniforms)

Yesteday was a holiday here. Labor Day. Meaning?? No work for my mom. Meaning?? Happy day for her and for me too!
I had a nice start of the day. I got a bath! Then breakfast and a long walkie. When we came back, my mom began to do different things. And I helped her. We were counting coins. Then we were arranging her jewelry box. (she has many interesting things there to chew!). Then she washed and ironed her new uniforms. Then we had lunch. Another long nap. Another walkie. We were watching TV. Dinner. TV. Lost. Yankees.... they Lost! And then we went to bed! End of a great day!
Now I am ready for the weekend! I hope you all enjoy yours too!
Have a good night
PS. Ozzie and Rocky and Ike tagged me for the Memoir Meme. I promise I will do it this weekend!


Patience-please said...

Oh you are lucky, sweet Lorenza! You had a fun day with your mom! Our crazy servant is running around like a nutcase. Oh well, we are very happy for you, even if our lives are miserable from neglect right now.

wags from the whippets

the Corgi Girls said...

That sounds like a very fun day... except for that whole bath thing, bol, you are a trooper, you even like it... maybe your mum does something special that we're missing out on!!!

Thor and Jack said...

Ontem tivemos esse feriado aqui também! Mamãe,papai e as crianças estão sempre comigo. Até segunda-feira. Isso é maravilhoso!
Espero que vocês tenham um excelente final de semana!

Boa noite

Amber-Mae said...

It was Labor Day on Wednesday here but unfortunately, all my hoomans had to work on a public holiday. Wasn't that just sad? At least your hoomans got to stay home & spend time with you.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Goofy said...

saving coins for u? mom did that too, she save coins for my kibbles and treats and all...

she said i spend her much, she never count her spendings on her bags and shoes and those lady's stuffs.. this is unfair..


Noah the Airedale said...

Our pinky has a bag of coins too but she is too lazy to count it out. Public holidays are just the best. Sounds like you enjoyed yours. Hope you're having a good weekend too.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

CoCo said...

I'm glad that you enjoyed your Mommy's Labor Day off! Sounds like you had a great time!


Moco said...

What a nice day. Doing what ever you feel like with your Mom. That nap sounds good.

Moco said...

What a nice day. Doing what ever you feel like with your Mom. That nap sounds good.

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

What a nice day you had with your Mom...It looks like you were a big help to her...

I love it when my Mom stays home with me...

Abby xxxooo

Kodak the Eskie said...

What a perfect day! I hope you liked your bath. I know there is nothing better than a clean fresh doggie! Do you do zoomies after your bath? I'm still healing from my "clip job" but am doing well.

Hugs, Kodak

umekotyan said...

Good evening lorenza.
They are eyes that shine and are scary.
It wins the championship and it exists here.
And, the coin is interesting.
I feel the history in the changing coin by the country.
A wonderful weekend in the future of the jewel box. :)

from loved ume tyan

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza, thats a lot of coins your mum has...they look different to ours....hope you have a grrr weekend

lots of licks


The Brat Pack said...

Wow, what a busy and fun day!! We hope you have a great weekend!

Girasol said...

seems like you had a very busy & and fun day! have a great weekend!

Sonny said...

Lorenza I really like that Live Strong bracelet you were wearing! I heard that May 1st was a holiday in your part of the world. Too bad about the Yankees. Are you a Yankees fan? My mom and I are too! My mom is going to a Kentucky Derby party today, without me :( She said she is going to have something called a Mint Julep. I don't know what that is but I'm a little miffed that I don't get to go and have one with her. Happy Saturday to you!

Pedro said...

oops, Lorenza it looks like Leah was using my mom's computer. In case you didn't figure it out that last comment was from your friend Pedro the chihuahua!

Juno said...

Lorenza!! sounds like you had a ideal day to enjoy your mom's holiday!

Two more Christmas cards have arrived?!? :) That is really nice!! Having a holiday sprit is always good.

Momo & Pinot

Dandy Duke said...

How nice that your mom had a day off, Lorenza! I bet a pretty pin would look nice on one of your pink dresses! Will your mom let you borrow one?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

Another holiday for you and your Mom. That's great you got to spend the whole day with her.

Mama and Papa save their coins but we usually don't have $90.00 at one time. Most of the time it's about $40.00.

Too bad the Yankees lost. Mama likes the NY Mets but she hasn't seen too many games this year because of school.

We were also tagged for the Meme. Mama is putting it together for both Kaci and I.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. Kaci says that the snow is finally all gone.

Lacy said...

woof's lorenza, me mama has a jar of pennies, heehee takes alot of dem to make a dollar...watt a pawsome day u had wiff ur mama, isnt dat fun, just u girls hangin out...

b safe,

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Lorenza!
How lucky fur you that your mommy got to stay home! What a great day you had!
We voted fur the contest! And you're right, there's lots of cool pics! We're thinking about starting our own contest... hmmm...
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Dexter said...

Oh Lorenza! I will never look at you the same way again! I voted for you twice on the scary eyes! That is a side of you I have never seen. I don't think I can sleep tonight!


Cassidy said...

You be such a helpful girl, always assisting mummy with her jobs! Hope you're having a fun weekend.

Cassidy x

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

hey Lorenza,

you are so classy and always dress so beautiful how could they not say your were Jennifer. if the Mommy every caught be smokin, me would be in big trouble & the smokig is nasty.

Hope you are having a nice weekend. The Mommy might have to work tomorrow--what a bummer--love ya Mona

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hi Lorenza...we're so glad u had some time to spend with ur mom!!! She sure irons things nicely!!!

Lorenza...I really admire ur sense of style...that dress you had on in ur last flatters u in all the right places...I bet the boyz just go crazy over ya, Girlie!!! Does ur mom iron all ur dresses too??? Wow...when mumise goes and irons, we chew stuff up in the family room. Needless to say, she doesn't iron very often!!!


Sami & Baylee said...


How nice of your mommy to have a coin jar to save for your vet visit. Your very lucky! My sister Alie has a jar which my hoomans put coins in for her summer horse camps.

It sounds like you and your Mom had a fun day together. My hoomans had yesterday of since it was Kentucky Derby Oaks day and it rained all day so we were stuck inside. But today Mom and Allie took me to the park and it was a very fun day all but the bath at the end of the day. Not a good way to end the day, huh?

Kisses & Licks,

Sami & Baylee said...


I forgot to tell you I did get the tennis ball out of the water bowl! Hee hee I showed Mommy!

Kisses & Licks,

Teena in Toronto said...

Cute pups!

Happy Blogoversary!!

Anonymous said...

Public holidays are great! Don't know what your mum would do without you there to help her out Lorenza!



Hi Lorenza,
We know how you feel about a long weekend. We have one this weekend too and mum and dad are taking us away tomorrow. We can't wait. Glad you are enjoying your weekend with your mum.
J & D

Mack said...

Don't you just love it when Mom is off?? Mine is gonna be of this Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and I can't wait!!

Kathryn and Ari said...

Happy Labor Day, Lorenza. I'm glad to hear you got some extra "mom" time out of the deal. Just remember, though, the cancer bracelets go on an appendage, not on your cute snout!

PS- The Cardinals won this weekend. If you're ever looking for a National League team to cheer for, we'd be happy to have you (and you'd look great in one of their jerseys!).

Joe Stains said...

That sure does look like a fabulous day! Mom has lots of fake jewelry too!

Isis said...

I'm glad you inspected those shirts. And that you helped count those coins! what on earth would your mom do without you?

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, you are a good helper for your mom. it sounds like you two had a wonderful mellow day together. your mom does really well by saving her coins.


Unknown said...

saving coins?wow is a good idea!

You are so beautiful my dear!


Southbaygirl said...

Lorenza, Holidays are the best!!! because mom is at home all day! I'm so glad you had a great day with your mom-and I hope you're having a great weekend!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Ms. Model! what a fun day you & your mommy had. Oh and Happy Blogoversary! we so happy you have a bloggie so we can visit since we live so far apart from each other.

Love Licks & waggin TX tails gettin ready to nap xo

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow you are so good at counting peso's.. Hope you get to help Mom spend it...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is a lot of coins! Did you get your mom to buy you a treat or present from some of it? I see you are doing a very good job snoopervising in your household too.....great job!

Peanut said...

Busy day you had. The yankees lost. How awful. Okay not really since I don't like them :)

Agatha and Archie said...

We are very behind in our reading Loreanza as we had limited access to the computer as PL2 was working and the same thing that happened to your Mom is at her work!!! Love A+A