Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Today we had 112 degrees! Finally my mom put water in my mini pool. This one is bigger than the one I had the last year. So, she had to cut off one of the rings.... ahem.... ahem.... you know.... I am shorty! At first I was not so sure about getting in but once my mom put my ball on the water I was ready to start the fun! It feels soooooo good. I like to have my belly and butt all wet! (No pictures of that because the batteries died!). My grandma is not so happy because I like to come in, get wet, come out and I go directly to the living room! Believe me, right now, there are lots of paw prints all around my house. I am thinking the mop will be attached to my grandma's hand from now on!
Have a good night


Peanut said...

tell your grandma to just let the water dry by itself. When it's that hot it shouldn't take to long.

Pedro said...

Oh Lorenza it must feel good to cool off in your own pool! I hope it cools down for you guys. 112 is too, too hot!! I'm surprised your mom didn't hop in that pool with you!


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Lorenza!
Oooh!! That looks so good... especially with the weather right now! We are in the 90's! But 112!! That's crazy!
Stay cool! To cool us down, our humans give us icecubes instead of bones!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Niamh said...

Wow! You look like you are having a great time in your pool. I wish I had one but I am sooooo glad that it is not 112 degrees here.

Have fun.
Your friend,

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, wow, it is really hot there. we love your pool. that is the place to be when the weather is hot. you are one smart girl. maybe you could learn to dry off on a towell so that your grandma and mom don't have to clean up your wet foot prints when you come inside the house.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


That is SOOOO NOT Siberian weather!!

I would certainly be khlawing my mom to get my pool out too!!!

My mom's furst dog - when she was a wee pup many many many years ago was a little blahkk YOU!!!!

Thanks for visiting and watching the birdies -


Willie and Waylon said...

That is a pawsome pool! we are sharing our furless sister's pool. Be careful in the heat! Do you have any cute swimsuits?

Moco said...

Do you have it made or what? That is way too hot for us.

Lacy said...

w00f's Lorenza, wowzers its hot down dar...good fing they got u pool up and full of water...just tell u grandma u iz helpin her mop the floor...

b safe,

Faya said...

Waouw you have your own pool ! You look so good. I hope it helps you refreshing yourself....
Kisses, Faya

Amber-Mae said...

Your pool is nice! Remember to puncture the inflated part. It's fun!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

José Tan said...

That is so cool! I wished mum can get me one too.

i said...

Your very own pool? How cool! I sure can relate to the pawprints. LS goes berserk over them too.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Thats the ideal way to cool down. I hope to get one for the summer.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh you got your own pool.. Can I come visit you and have a dip sometimes?

~ Girl girl

Amber said...

Hey Lorenza, that's so pawsome, you really like water don't ya? Great way to cool down :)
i wanna join you!!


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

112°? That is really hot! At least you were able to cool off in your cute little pool.

We can relate to the pawprints. I (Hershey) love having muddy paws and relly like tracking the house with muddy pawprints. At least yours are water and not mud. Then your grandma would be really mad.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

☮momoKo said...

Hi,Lorenza!Would you move into Japan?

☮momoKo said...

Hi,It is enviable a lot.

Mack said...

112 Degrees!!! Is that legal???

Hopefully the pool will help cool you off!!

L said...

Wow, that is hot so early in the year. It will be at least another month before it is that hot here!

It looks like you had fun cooling off in your pool. Doesn't your grandma know that the couch is the best place to dry off?

Anonymous said...

Your very own pool! You are one lucky pup Lorenza
Abby & Rosie

Dexter said...

Good thing your mom opened up the pool before you got baked alive!

Deetz said...

A mickey mouse pool, you are very special to get one of those. I love to play in the hose when daddy is watering the horses. I should ask for a pool too. Enjoy, wish I could swim with you

Deefor said...

That looks really nice. You can have pool parties for your neighbors. Especially at 112 degrees! Glad you're cooling off.


Unknown said...

ups ya hace calor para piscina'??

Duke said...

This will keep you cool, Lorenza! We're so happy for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball said...

You have your personal pool, Lorenza. I have to go to the beach to swim. Jie jie say something about getting me a rubber pool so that I an do my hydrotherapy at home but it will take up too much space and we dun have a yard here.


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Heheheh Lorenza! You look great in the pool! Where's your bathing suit!

It's gonna be that hot here is AZ soon. I can't wait to get a swimming pool of my own!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Isis said...

i love your new pool! its so great! i have one too- but its plastic because i would probably pop that one...

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I had a blow up pool like that but it kept getting shorter and shorter until it was all gone. supposedly somedoggie was chewing on it.

Bussie Kissies

Lizzy said...

Hi Lorenza!

You got a pool?! That's awesome! I bet you're having a ton o' fun in that. I wish the weather would get warm over here so I could get my own pool, too!

I hope you have a grrrrEAT day,


Lady Kaos said...

My mom hasn't gotten my pool out yet! I thought she was just ebing lazy, but the weather guy said we were supposed to get snow last night! Crazy weather!!

Clover said...

Hi Lorenza!
Sorry I missed your blogiversary! Hope it was a nice one! :)
I love your new pool! Looks like a lot of fun.
Love Clover xo

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Lorenza! your doggie pool is purdier then ours! Great way to cool off on a hot day huh?! Lucky you that you get to go in with the wet paws ~ mommy locks our doggie door! sheesh huumons jus don't understand

Love licks & waggin Tx tails

pee ess: lets hope your grammie doesn't attach the mop to your back any ways what's a little water as long as it's not mud is what we keep telling mommy!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is so cool. You got your own pool..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Agatha and Archie said...

112!!! YIKES!!! And your own pool! You are one lucky pup!Love A+A

Rambo said...

Skinny dipping! lucky dawg! That water must feel so good....enjoy!

Sami & Baylee said...

Lorenza I love your pool. When my pool is up outside I take dips every time I go outside..heehee and track water in the house too. But a dog has got to stay cool, right?

Kisses & Licks,

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

112? That is even hotter than Texas gets in August! Hope you had fun in your pool!

JustMeCopper said...

Wow, you have a pool? It was smart of your Mom to cut once of the rings off. My Mom said she would not have thought of that.

Ruby Bleu said...

I wanna pool too!!! It's hot here too!!!

Stay cool...
Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

I don't like pools so much, they sort of freak me out! I am not a water dog!

Chef said...

What?? No bathingsuit, Lorenzagirl? I was sure you'd be in a pretty pink bikini. You are the cutest waterbaby. Hope you enjoy the cool water. It sure sounds hot down there.

xox Chef

Myeo said...

Oh you are so lucky to have your own pool.

But we dont wish for one cos we are so scared of the water. Mama says that you are such a brave girl.

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said...

Lorenza arn't you scared of the water.... i would like to try it out but still a little scared. Ails is always running about with the mop in her hand sometimes i think it's actually stuck on.

lots of licks


Noah the Airedale said...

My grandma would do the same, cleaning, cleaning......
Your pool looks great!! Have fun !!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The Daily Echo said...

112 degrees????? Are you kidding me? WOO! I'd stay inside in front of the air conditioner. Bring me SNOW!
Pee S: That's a very nice pool!

Princess Patches said...

Wow! 112 degrees is like frying! It's a good thing you have that pool to cool off in! Maybe your grandma could tie the mop to your tail. Then you could clean up your own paw prints.

Poppy & Penny

Deetz said...

Hope you are having fun in your pool....You didn't drown did you? Gosh I would be devastated....You be careful, wear a lifejacket

Petra said...

Boy, it looks like you had fun in that pool. I wish I could come and play with you!

Eric said...

Oh a pee ddling pool- oopsie paddling pool!! Glad you have somewhere to cool off at last but I think you need a pair of water wings,water is scary, can rise up and bite you.. .

Wags, Eric x

Weeny&Daisy said...

Waohhh! That looks like alot of fun! Lucky you! xxxx

Too Cute Pugs said...

112 degrees? Holy cow, that's hot! It reminds us of when we lived in Texas.

We like your pool.

Happy pug snorts!
Pearl & Daisy

WinstonBerry said...

Hi Lorenza!

YAY!!!!! Your pool looks liek so much fun!! Very cool! I think you have to be one of the cutest girls ever!!
Also, I think that pawprints and using a mop is a small price to pay for your comfort and happiness!!!

Winnie :-)

Toffee said...

oooh! what a fantastic pool!
happy weekend!
stay cool girlie.

Hana said...

I love your new pool, Lorenza! It's so pretty with Mickey Mouse on it! Maybe I should get a pool too! Mom???