Sunday, May 18, 2008




Putter and Willow party! Sure it was fun!


I was tagged by Mona and Maggie to play this game where you get your Japanese Name.

Instructions as follows:

Spell out your name using the given Japanese letter-translation below. Feel free to play it. It is fun!

A = KA / G = JI / M = RIN / S = ARI / Y = FU
B = TU / H = RI / N = TO / T = CHI / Z = ZI
C = MI / I = KI / O = MO / U = DO
D = TE / J = ZU / P = NO / V = RU
E = KU / K = ME / Q = KE / W = MEI
F = LU / L = TA / R = SHI / X = NA

My name in japanese is: TAMOSHIKUTOZIKA! I am not so sure but I think I prefer Lorenza!


We have a new DWB activity organized by Chef and Beasley. Sure is going to be fun. Go to their blogs and check for details!


Santos played again today. They tied. And they advanced to semi-finals!
Have a good night


Southbaygirl said...

Hi lorenza, Sounds like you had a really nice weekend! Is it hot in mexico right now? it's super hot in southern california! I don't like the heat!!!


Joe Stains said...

that name sounds like something Tanner would make up!!! We had fun at the party!

Moco said...

My name is Rinmomimo. I like the sound of that. It has a regal tone to it.
Great that your team is moving forward.

Princess Eva and Brice said...

We'll have to figure out what our Japanese names are later this week but your post about your pool did catch our eyes. We have a pool too but it can't be a blow-up one since my talons are too long and pointy. I'd pop it every time. Momma says my nails grow way too fast and I don't chew them like Tasha does.


P.S. Thanks for checking on Tasha. Our home is a little stressed right now and we're desperate for good news on this round of tests.

Koobuss said...

Hi Lorenza!

Go Santos!!! (Poor Yankees.)

My name in Japanese is MEMOMOTUDOARIARI. That doesn't sound too bad, but I'm like you. I think that I prefer Koobuss. It's easier to spell.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Southbaygirl said...

Lorenza, I meant to tell you that your dress is very pretty! You are always so well dressed! Good night!


Peanut said...

The party was great. Happy Sunday to you too.

Thor and Jack said...

A festa estava fantástica!
Boa noite!


Duke said...

We much prefer Lorenza to TAMOSHIKUTOZIKA too!
It sounds like you had a great weekend with Santos!
See you in Australia!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Wasn't the party fun? But tiring, too, huh?


Abby said...


My name would be KATUTUFU...I like Abby better...

I love your new dress...You are definately on the "50 Best Dressed Doggie List"...

Abby xxxooo

L said...

That party looks like a lot of fun. Hope you don't have any sand in your pretty dress.
Comet and BLU

ps. We like "Lorenza" better than your Japanese name.

Putter said...

Hi Lorenza! Hi!

Great to SEE you at our AUSSIE pawty! Thanks so muchest ever for coming! :)


Putter ...:)

Petra said...

I'm with you, Lorenza. I like Lorenza much better than....what was it again?

It was so fun seeing you at the party over the weekend, but I'm all worn out today.

Too Cute Pugs said...

Go Santos! (our daddy watches football - he likes Manchester United).

You're blog is always so fun - here's our names:

Nokukashita (Pearl) & Tekakiaritu (Daisy)

Whew! Those are a lot of letters!

Pug snorts from,
Pearl & Daisy

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Lorenza! OMDoggie another lovely dress! The pawty was the bestest fun too bad Crikit missed it and Ginger played coy and used Crikit's name hehe OH we think we like our original name better at least they are easier to say. We are excited about the exchange too yeah and Yeah Santos

Have a lovely week girlfriend
Love Licks

Ferndoggle said...

Pawsonally, I like the name Lorenza better.


The Daily Echo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Daily Echo said...

Woo! That Japanese name is longer than you Lorenza!

Princess Patches said...

That's a really long name. We think we like Lorenza better too!

Poppy & Penny

Deefor said...

Looks like you had a grrreat weekend. My Japanese isn't too good so I'll just call you Lorenza...


Urban Smoothie Read said...

that really sounds complicated.. i would prefer calling u lorenza too...

Gus, Louie and Callie said...


Louie name looks really silly.. hehe

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Rambo said...

Hi Lorenza,
My Japanese name would be Shikarintumo. I think I prefer Rambo too!
Glad you had a fun Sunday.

Ps. love the dress

Xsara and Tani said...

you japanese name is very hard to remember - can we still call you lorenza?

Anonymous said...

It looks like you're having good weather not the the British weather, one minute it's sunny the next its' raining or snowing. Glad you had a great weekend. I'm soo excited about the international goody exchange as well.

I hope you don't mind but i'm going to give the Japanese letter translation a go.

lots of licks


Toffee said...

Yay Santos!!
It was great seeing you at the pawty in Australia! I wish I had such beautiful dresses as yourself!
Happy Monday,
positive vibes to Asta

Huskee and Hershey said...

I definitely think 'Lorenza' suits you better than 'TAMOSHIKUTOZIKA'.. not sure if I can even pronounce it correctly! Heheheh...

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Lorenza,

I like you real name better than your Japanese name...I wouldn't even know how to say it.

The Mommy got blogger to work again.

Love ya...Mona

Khady Lynn said...

Cook name, but very long and difficult to say!! I think I prefer Lorenza too!!!

Great party pics!! I hope you all had fun!


the Corgi Girls said...

We love your dress girly, always dressed for the occasion!

M & I

MJ's doghouse said...

wow lorenza i really like your cute little shows off your cute little wiener dog says that carter a weiner cat...i never heard of such a think...

Islay said...

That's the hugest party I ever saw. Looks like you're also one of the busiest pups this weekend. Have a great week!

licks & slobbers

i said...

The name sure is a mouthful! Sounds like you had a great weekend there.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Your name sounds really cool. And it sure was a fun pawty. :)

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

You have had a really busy weekend. You looks beautiful in your dress.

Simba x

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

We had a great time this weekend. Mama is going to do our names in Japanese but we think Hershey and Kaci will be much easier to pronounce.

You certainly have a lot of dresses. We hope you have some cooler weather.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Deetz said...

Congratulations Lorenza for winning in one of hte Scary Eye Categories.....I am catching up on blogs now...You look lovely in your new dress

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You sure look cute in your dress. I had a great time at Putter and Willow's party too. And I got tagged for the Japanese name gave and I have not had a chance to get my mom to help me yet!! You have a great Japanese name.
AND, I am going to do the international goody exchange too! Whoo hoo!

☮momoKo said...

Hi,I am Rinmorinmomemo.

Snowball said...

I have missed a really fun pawty. I have been really busy recently. Hope that you have lots of fun.


Mack said...

You look terrific in lace Lorenza!

Weren't those pawgaritas wonderful?

Pedro said...

Hi Lorenza. My mom is finally home! My name in Japanese is Nokuteshimo which is pretty cool. Pedro is better though. Thanks for the information link on Santos. My mom feels well informed now!

Agatha and Archie said...

Dear TAMOSHIKUTOZIKA ,We like Lorenza better too!!! This exchange is going to be fun!!! Hope you are not too hot!! Love and kisses A+A

Myeo said...

Your Japanese name sounds very complicated :P

Boy n Baby

Patience-please said...

We'll sure stick to Lorenza!!!

wags from the whippets

Sarah K. said...

Your dress is very pretty and the boys are jealous you got to eat a popsicle!

Eric said...

Pretty Dress TAMOSHIKUTOZIKA!! ha ha!! I think Lorenza is cuter.
Hope the sun is not to shining today.
Wags Eric xx

Noah the Airedale said...

We prefer Lorenza too hee hee. We're glad you had fun at the pawty and we're so glad you could make it.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Ricky Pepper said...

My name would be SHIKIMIMEFU. My mom is partially Japanese so she liked this contest! I am German...and a valient descendant of badger hunters (you also!)...glad your mom shared her popsicle! And congrats on the scary eye contest. Even with your scary eyes you are still beautiful.

Hana said...

Oh Lorenza I like your dress with the white eyelet lacey looking skirt!

CLU said...

Hi. Just found your blog. I love looking at beautiful females! My name is Arimotofu in Japanese. I kind of like that. Thanks a lot,