Monday, March 31, 2008

Sleeping position!

Gaucho and Verdi asked to us to show our sleeping positions. I guess I sleep like a "normal dog", I mean, nothing special but last night, my mom was reading your blogs and then she looked at me and she saw me sleeping in this position. She thought it was funny and of course she had to take pictures. Now, its your turn!

Mango falling from the sky! I think I was in the right place at the right moment!
My grandma was preparing a snack for my grandpa. He wanted ice cream with mango. My grandma was cuting the mango and suddenly, it slipped from her hand and fell directly to my head and then it went to the floor. I grabbed it and ran away to the patio to eat it. And it was delicious!!
Yesteday, I wore my Santos dress and they won 4-0!
Have a good night


Peanut said...

Oh you are cute sleeping. Is mango good? we have never had it.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


you look so skinny in your sleeping pictures & so cute.

I've never had any mango cause the Mommy never buys any -- maybe i'll ask her to get me one.


Emily and Ike said...

Very silly sleeping position!

Thor and Jack said...

Lorenza, eu acho que a sua foto dormindo é muito cute!
Eu comi manga logo nos primeiros dias na casa da minha família humana. Ninguém me deu, eu também estava na no lugar certo na hora certa. ;)


i said...

Hehehe you looked so cute there! Must be really comfy, eh?

Ooh I love mangoes! But so far no big pieces has dropped out of the sky for me though. The only ones I get are small tiny pieces from LS.

Koobuss said...

That's great news, Lorenza, both the mango and the Santos. You must always wear their dress on their game days.

Hey Lorenza! Baseball is starting!! Go Yankees!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Joe Stains said...

did you wake up with a sore neck?? I LOVE mango and so does my Mom!

Spencer said...

Hi Lorenza,

No wonder your mom took pictures, you sleep pretty funny! You really scored with that mango...I love mango too...mmmm!


Khady Lynn said...

Wow, it's part twisty pretzel!!

I've never tried mango! But I do like watermelon and bananananana's a lot!!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

how lucky u r!?

n that sleeping pose comfy?

CoCo said...

Wow slept like a question mark! You looked cute but funny! I like mango too. Most of the time I just get banana, apples, peaches, and carrots. Mango is very special.


Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG Lorenza, your sleeping position sure is unique!! I love mangoes too... *yumm*

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure can twist your body while you sleep. That mango looks yummy

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Ooo, twisted. I must show you how Faith sleeps sometimes. Really like a contortionist. I bet that Mango was nice & sweet!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

bosco said...

you look so comfortable there. bosco feel like sleeping also.. *yawns*

that mango sure looks good. maybe i'll ask the humans to get me some. never had any.

licks & kisses,

Simba and Jazzi said...

It never rains mango here. You'll get a stiff neck sleeping like that.

Simba x

Ben & Darling said...

Lorenza, why cant I get rainy mango here too??

Xsara and Tani said...

Wow, mango falling from the sky! I heard that they are talking a lot about climate changes lately, and the weather has been weird, but I didn't know it meant it would start raining exotic fruit! I hope it rains mango here soon, instead of just rain :)

Duke said...

You've got mom drooling! She LOVES mango! I sleep like that too, Lorenza! Mom says it doesn't look to comfy at all!

Love ya lots,

Harry said...

I sleep exactly like that too, I'll ask ma to take a photo next time I'm sleeping (that will be in about 5 minutes then!).

Lucky girl getting that mango, yum!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Mack said...

Do you have a Paris when you wake up?
(AKA pain in the neck?)

Davis, o nosso shar pei said...

Hey, you look so cute!I don't eat fruit!That looks tasty!

Davis, o nosso shar pei said...

Hey, you look so cute!I don't eat fruit!That looks tasty!

umekotyan said...

Good evening lorenza.
The way to sleep is lovely.
And, ..seeming the mango delicious... :)

from loved ume tyan

Patience-please said...

Little Lindy Loo sleeps in that same position! We'll try to get the servant to take a photo.
OH we LOVE mangos here. Whenever the servant cuts one up, she saves pieces for us, but you won the BIG prize!!!

wags from the whippets

Anonymous said...

It takes a special pup to have his rear end in one position and his upper body in another - you are quite talented Lorenza. That mango looked delicious- lucky dog!
Abby, Rosie, Jackie, Gidget & Lola

Amber said...

Hi Lorenza, you look cute sleeping. I love mangoes, there are so sweet!! Your dress sure brought them lot's of points! :)

The Zoo Crew said...

I think that must be a dachsie sleeping position :) I sleep just like that and so have all of my mama's other dachshunds!! But my brother Kai and sister Zen don't sleep like that ;)

That Mango looks yummmmyyyy :)

Lucy Lu

The Zoo Crew said...

I think that must be a dachsie sleeping position :) I sleep just like that and so have all of my mama's other dachshunds!! But my brother Kai and sister Zen don't sleep like that ;)

That Mango looks yummmmyyyy :)

Lucy Lu

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, yay for the Santos! it's good you wore your dress. you should be the team mascot.

that mango looks pretty yummy. we bet it was good.

that's a funny sleeping position. we guess when you are a long dog, you can twist your body quite a bit. hee hee.


Lacy said...

woofies and burf's Lorenza..u lookies sooo sweet sleepin there, and yeaaa, heehee fur ur g-ma droppin u a never trieded mango b4, me will haff too..

b safe,
Rocky, Bear and angel Lacylulu ;)

Petra said...

I've learned to stand right beside Motch when she's working with food in the kitchen. So far, I've stolen some piecs of popcorn, an apple, cereal and cheese! That mango looks really good but I haven't had one of those yet.

Snowball said...

You look so comfortable when sleeping that you are making us sleepy too.

Is the mango sweet? I think grandma should always drop some food item (intentionally or not) so that you can try it.


Anonymous said...

YUMM Mangos!!! Tia likes to sleep like you... 'cept sometimes she will sleep with her entire face smooshed into the bed!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

You look cute sleeping like that. When I (Hershey) sleep with Mama and Papa I go under the covers and if I get warm then I will poke my head out from the covers. Mama thinks I'm a funny dog.

Your team won - that's great!

And you even got an unexpected treat - that mango looks yummy.

Love -


Hi, Lorenza -

I haven't tried mango but it does look delicious. Have a good evening.

Love -


Moco said...

You are a beautiful sleeper.
We love fruit. Almost any kind of fruit. I bet that mango is delicious.

Sami & Baylee said...


That Mango looked yummy! I have never had one before! You are very lucky it fell just so you could grab it! YOu lucky doggie! Oh you have such shiny lovely red fur coat!

Kisses & Licks,

Hana said...

Hi Lorenza, I am getting caught up on your blog! Your grandma made you a bunch of nice dresses! The one you wore to the wedding is very girly and fancy. But I also like the blue/red/white one that you wore when you met Winnie. I think you need to take a photo of your dress closet again!!!

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrr Lorenza
that mango looked good Harrrrr What did it taste like Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

L said...

That mango looks so yummy. I love mango. BLU won't eat it. Silly girl, she doesn't know what she's missing. Glad your lucky dress helped Santos win.

Southbaygirl said...

Hi lorenza, Is that a comfy way to sleep? It sure looks like it was to you-because you were out! The Mango is really yellow!


Boo Casanova said...

hey lorenza, your sleeping pose is weird! your head and back legs are in opposite direction! lol cute!

wet wet licks


Hammer said...

Hi Lorenza
Sorry I haven't visited lately .. my mum has been extra busy again. I won't show your post to my mum coz she'll be taking photos of me while I'm asleep. It's hard enough when I'm awake. The mango looks delicious. We have them in Australia too.
Love from Hammer

Dexter said...

Holy smokes! You're eating Mango? That's not right!


Agatha and Archie said...

Yeah for Santos!! You will have to wear your dress all the time!!! And you look soooo cute sleeping!! We have the food thing down pat..You stand RIGHT next to them when they are preparing food and sort of lean up on to them ....Something ALWAYS falls and then you QUICKLY grab it...Love A+A

Ricky Pepper said...

a mango on your head! hehe! and right after you just had a bath too! do you also like bananas? we get them with peanut butter sometimes, when my mom freezes them in the ice cube trays!

Princess Patches said...

We didn't know dogs would like mango! It does look yummy!

Poppy & Penny

The Husky in the Window said...

Oh Lorenza, that's how Bella sleeps. You got mango? I get you enjoyed it. we get bannans.

Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Chinook said...

Lorenza you look like you're having a good rest! I like to curl up on my bed, but I'm really alert and will jump up once I sense Mummy coming. She'll never get a good picture of me sleeping!

Lotsa licks,

Byron y Xinver said...

MUY BONITAS POSTURAS PARA DORMIR, LORENZA... ¿te gustan las frutas? al byron algunas, al xinver no (pero sí se come los preparados de frutas para bebés.... es que es un bebé!!)

Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Lorenza,

you have the cuttest sleeping position ^_^

Malts' paws,


p.s. thank you for the birthday wishes =)

Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Lorenza,

you have the cuttest sleeping position ^_^

Malts' paws,


p.s. thank you for the birthday wishes =)

The Daily Echo said...

Mom can't figure out how we manage to take up so much room on the bed. I keep telling her it takes lots of practice.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What you didn't get any ice cream? What is up with that?

Big sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

wally said...

Good job helping your team! I love mangoes, too. I don't know if they will make me as cute when I sleep as you do. Do you snore? I do.


Lizzy said...

Those are great sleeping positions, Lorenza!

Mangoes are wonderful! That one in particular looks very tasty.


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

I've shown off my sleeping postitions too. Sleeping really is the best, and you do it well!

Mmmm ice cream. I get some dog ice cream later tonight...I could drool just thinking about it!

Hope you enjoyed the mango!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

the Corgi Girls said...

We sleep like that too sometimes!

I (Izzie) bet I would like mango... we've never had any, need to get mumsies on that... Moxie would probably not eat it... that just means more for me BOL!

M & I

Deefor said...

That was good luck--falling mango. I always stand around my mom's feet when she's cooking. It rains food.


Weeny&Daisy said...

Ouch! That sleeping position looks very uncomfortable!

Mango falling from the sky?! We've never had mango.. but any food falling from the sky is great!


Girasol said...

I love mango too! especialmente la pepa me gusta chuparla bien, en Peru comi mango.

Myeo said...

Hee Hee, we think that your sleeping position is cute. It seems like you can decide which side you side wan to sleep on.

Boy n Baby