Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cleaning saturday

The kitchen and "the dinning" area.

The "living room".
The "entertainment center"
This is the social-kitchen area in our house. Its an all in one place. It measures 3 meters by 2.5 meters. Since my mom did not have enough area to built her "mini-apartment" this is all she could do. Its really small but we don't need more because we never stay here during the day. My mom does not cook and we never get visitors... well, we get them but we recieve them at my grandparents house. Everyday we left our house at 7 am and we get back at 8 pm and we go directly upstars where our bedroom is.
So, today my mom decided to clean this area. She hadn't done this for a looooong time. She ended pretty satisfied with the result. Where I was while this happened?....

The vacuum cleaner scares me. The cleaner products make me sneeze. The mop makes me run away sooooo.... this was the best place to be!
Then she went to take a shower and of course I wanted a bath too! And then.... she gave me a stinky treat!

I am still wet in these pictures but I had to eat my treat first! And since I don't get them very often I had to take my chance!
Enjoy your weekend spending a good time with your families!


i said...

Hi Lorenza! Your mom sure is good in keeping the place You looked really contented out in the sun. You sure know how to enjoy your treats, don't you? Hope you are having a great weekend so far.

Peanut said...

My mom was supposed to clean today but she didn't. That looks like a great treat

Patience-please said...

We do not like the vacuum or mops either! But we sure like the looks of those stinky treats! yum and yum!!!

sorry about your bath, though your house looks as sparkly clean as you!
wags from the whippets

Randi said...

Oh are the cutest little girl I know...& we have so much in common..I hate vaccuum cleaners...I like stinky treats & I love to lay in ths sun...I think thats why I like you so much!

Love & Licks,

ps..thank you for your kind words today on a day I was very sad....

CoCo said...


Sometimes it seems like my Daddy treats our house like a hotel. He leaves early in the morning and comes home late at night. I think he said something about having to go to work or something. I don't know what he means by work...hmmm?!? I am usually home all day long so I make sure I make furry messes for Daddy to clean up when he gets back. Your Mama did a great job at keeping your place tidy! Looks like your treat was yummy too!


Noah the Airedale said...

Oh you're very smart to stay away from the vacuum cleaner. When I was a pup I got such a fright from the vacuum cleaner that I tried to jump onto the window and I got caught in the venitian blinds. My paw was stuck and I cried. To this day I have to leave the room when the monster comes out.

Hugs and tail wags


Wow your place is so clean, its pica pica (shining in japanese)!
Your mum did a great job. But we agree with you and others here that vacuum cleaners and the like are scary and we would also be out on the patio sunning ourselves.
Jazz and Dixie

Duke said...

We figured that you had your cleaning dress on and were helping! Hey, you got a break, Lorenza! That's not so back right! Your treat looks tasty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

woofies and Burf's use to didnt likie dat ole vacuum cleaner either...mama and daddy has a small place too, its a trailor...and it needs a lot of work..dey had it fur years now..u soo nice to help u mama clean..and watt better way to repay u is wiff a treat...

b safe,
Rocky, Bear and angel lacylulu ;)

Xsara and Tani said...

My mom sucks at cleaning up, but we're never home either. We don't vacuum because we have tiles in every room since the human part of our team has alergies to dust. So we have to wash the floor every day and change sheets very often. I'm so happy for you, about getting the smelly treat. It looks delicious!
love, Xsara

Mack said...

Mom usually cleans on Saturdays and I hate it! That vacuum cleaner is gonna get it one of these days!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

I (Hershey) am afraid of the vacuum cleaner like you are. Mama takes it out and I run upstairs so I don't have to hear it or see it.

But my older sister did not mind the vacuum cleaner because she would take her ball out. She would bounce it on the vacuum cleaner so Mama would push the ball while she was vacuuming. Bosco got her ball playing in and Mama got her cleaning done. She was a very smart schnauzer.

We are glad you enjoyed your treat so much. And you still are a very pretty doggie - even when you just got a bath.

I sort of like to chase the mop around while Mama is cleaning - she really hates that!

Your house is much cleaner than ours - we live in an old Victorian house and it can get very dusty. But I like it here - even though I like being outside better. Hope you have a great weekend!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Hi, Lorenza -

Grammy and I have a big house and it gets dirty really fast!

Love -


Dexter said...

Place looks great! We have a fake dining room too since Momma and Master never cook anything!

I don't mind the vaccuum... maybe too much because it seems I am always in the way when Momma does the cleaning.


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Lorenza!!
Our human mom cleans every single week, she is obsessed with it!! But she says she feels very satisfied in the end.
Nice blanket!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Snowball said...

My jie jie hate doing cleaning. I hate the vacuum cleaner too but I am ok with the broom and mop but the reward after that makes everything worth the while, right?


Urban Smoothie Read said...

i hate the vacuum cleaner too... i call it the MONSTER!!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i hate the vacuum cleaner too... i call it the MONSTER!!!

Charlie said...

I chase the vacuum cleaner around and bite at it when mom's using it. Then she pushes it at me and I jump out of the way. We have lots of fun that way!
- Charlie

Cassidy said...

Looks like you were REALLY enjoying that treat, yum!

Cassidy x

Amber-Mae said...

You have a small but yet cozy house...The stairs look steep. I don't think you climb up & down yourself right? It's impossible! I don't think I'll be able to go up that stairs becoz I'm afraid of stairs with holes. Yes I am!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

I HATE cleaning too, big time! I always run away. Looks like your human did a good job! BAseball is on TV later! woo!

Asta said...

You desewve that tweat aftew all the twauma of cleaning and bathing..I hope you weally enjoyed it!
I'll miss you
smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

At least with a small home you don't have to much area to clean. Mom was busy cleaning today too. She said she swept up so much dog fur she said I had an evil twin.. We did find many lost balls under the couch though..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

JustMeCopper said...

My Mom says she likes your place. It is adorable!!! She likes her place too and she even likes cleaning. I do not! I sneeze too and the broom scares me. I got a bath today too. It rained and I got muddy and full of dead wet grass and sand and so I had to have a bath. Somehow Mom says that me getting dirty has something to do with her having to clean the house. I personlly do not get the it.

Weeny&Daisy said...

Hey Lorenza! The apartment looks sparkly and clean, your mummy did a great job! We dont blame you for sitting outside in the nice sun.. hoovers are scary things!

You look nice and pretty after your bath.. enjoy your treat!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


My Uncle Sonny comes & cleans our house once a week and whenever he bring out the vacuum cleaner I run & jump on the Mommy's bed & hid under the bed...why do them dirt eaters make so much noice..what did we ever do to them?

LOVE YA...Mona & the Mommy

Bella said...

Sooo clean - my mama said she wants you to come help at our place.
Looks like the treat is super tasty - what is it?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That treat looks pawsome. You sure look happy enjoying it

~ Girl girl

Agatha and Archie said...

Mmmmm your treat looks yummy!! It must be in the air because PL2 spent the whole weekend cleaning!! We tried to help but she said we were making it worse!! Love A+A

Willie and Waylon said...

We love you place! It is so clean -ours is not. Our mom keeps saying she cannot get anything done. Whatever! We got baths today too... but your treat looks way bette than the ones we got!!!

Kathryn and Ari said...

I agree, Lorenza: the patio is always the best place to be when cleaning is happening!

Southbaygirl said...

Hi Lorenza! It's nice of your mom to give you a treat after she was cleaning!! I hate the vacuum cleaner-but I bite and attack it! It doesn't make my mom very happy!

I guess you like baths? You're a pretty special dog!!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

I love stinky treats too! Those stupid vacuum cleaners are horrible. They try to eat you, yah know? I don't understand how humans don't know this.

Hope you had a good weekend!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Myeo said...

Our mama says that she loves the way your kitchen looks. Very simple and clean and white... You social area may be small but it it cosy and that is more important than having a house with no warmth.

Boy n Baby

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, your little apartment looks very nice and clean. we think it's perfect for you and your mom. we live in a small house too, but we have a big yard and a lot of love. that's the most important thing and we know you have a lot of love in your house too.


Byron y Xinver said...

¿Qué tandrán los aspiradores que tanto nos disgustan? Está bien que nos enseñes tu casa, una buena idea... Pero uf, esas escaleras, ¿las puedes subir? Yo sería incapaz (Byron).

Clover said...

Hi Lorenza!
Your house looks really cute and nice! My mom was cleaning a lot of Sunday too - but luckily I got to stay with dad away from the cleaning supplies. Then when dad was doing the vacuuming I got to stay with mom - it scares me too!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said...

Uuff, a mi tampoco me gustan mucho los días de limpieza, prefiero quedarme en el balconcito mientras mi bipe da vuelta el departamento.

Princess Patches said...

Your house looks nice and clean, Lorenza! It was nice that you got to get a suntan while your mom cleaned! I, Poppy love the vacuum cleaner, but Penny hates it. I always ask to be vacuumed, but Penny barks at it!

Poppy & Penny

Anonymous said...

all in all, a good day for you Lorenza. Fresh air, sunshine and a stinky treat. It doesn't get much better, except maybe a walk squeezed in there too.
Abby & Rosie

Petra said...

Motch doesn't like to clean but every Saturday I have to put up with her going through the motions. I usually run from one room to the other & stay far away from that noisy vacuum cleaner.

Your treat looks delicious, Lorenza!

Deetz said...

I don't like the vacuum cleaner either...It makes too much noise and I am afraid it will suck up my tail or something.
That snacky looks yummy.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We think you guyz have a lovely little home! Hope you enjoyed the sunshine and the treat!
Ozzie & Rocky

Sid said...

Hey, we have something in common Lorenza, I hate that silly vacuums too!! Mommy has to have daddy hold me in his lap when she sucks up the stuff by my crate and bed because I try to eat the hose on the vacuum!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Our mom was CRAZY cleaning last week. She kept the scary vacuum cleaner out for days. She said it was "Spring cleaning" but it just seemed like regular old cleaning to us and we didn't like it one bit.

Happy pug snorts to you!
Pearl & Daisy

The Zoo Crew said...

if my mom ever finished working int he yard, then maybe our house would be cleaned. but i'm not really complaining because i love to be in the yard while mom is working out there!

peace + paws,

lucy lu

Islay said...

Your mum must be tired after all of that cleaning - when my humans get that way, I hise, because sooner or later, I always end up in a bath!

licks & slobbers

Deefor said...

Your house is so spotless! My humans are kind of messy. I hate the vacuum monster too. My mom said to tell you she loves the earrings and necklace your mom sent. Gets lots of compliments on them.


Koobuss said...

Your mom did a nice job of cleaning. I really hate that too. When I see the sweeper come out, I go someplace else! Hehehe

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

L said...

We hide outside when our girl cleans too! That treat looks yummy.

Chinook said...


your new kitchen looks good! And I'm really scared of the vacuum monster too, it makes helluva noise and it acts like it's going to suck me in. =P So I usually hide in one corner when my Mummy does that too.

By the way, you looked like you enjoyed your treat, I'm sure it was delicious!

Lotsa licks,

Chinook said...


your new kitchen looks good! And I'm really scared of the vacuum monster too, it makes helluva noise and it acts like it's going to suck me in. =P So I usually hide in one corner when my Mummy does that too.

By the way, you looked like you enjoyed your treat, I'm sure it was delicious!

Lotsa licks,