Sunday, February 3, 2008

Maybe next time

This is how I feel about the Patriots...

Congratulations to the Giants!

Have a good night


Asta said...

Pleeez don't be sad..if I would have known that it would bweak youw heawt, I wouldn't have helped the Giants, but at the time, I weally didn't think we had a chance, and now I feel bad that we won, cause so many of my fwiendz awe sad..booohooo
smoochie kisses,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You look really cute covering your eyes Lorenza. ;)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Don't be so sad, Lorenza! You'll make us feel bad! Dad is so happy and we're so happy for him!
What cute pictures of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I feel the same way. How could they Pats lose?

(BTW - check out my blog. Is that your tent I woke up in? The bed sure was small).


Ferndoggle said...

Better luck next year...they had a good season.


Patience-please said...

that's football! someone wins and someone looses, but it was a great game!
Don't be sad, sweet Lorenza.. Today is a new day, you have all of your doggie friends, and life is good!

wags from the whippets

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We were sort of cheering for the Pats too so we are a little sad. But Mom gave us a treat and we don't care so much about the game anymore!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Girasol said...

Don't be sad Lorenza...maybe for XLIII.
I love the color of your sweater.

the many Bs said...

Hi Lorenza, are you crying 'cuz the Patriots lost? we're sorry. maybe next time your team will win. for what it's worth, we think that You are a Winner!


Weeny&Daisy said...

Aww! We are sorry that your team lost! Hopefully they will do better next time! By the way, you look very cute in the pictures! :D

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Amber said...

Cheer up Lorenza, you look really down. hope they will win next time!

Amber :)

Lacy said...

woofies Lorenza. me sorrwy u iz sad...dey will b in next years super wuz a pawsome game...

b safe,

The Zoo Crew said...

Don't be sad. Mama says I hide my eyes like that sometimes! Is it a red-headed dachsie girl thing?

Peace + Paws,

Lucy Lu

Katherine and Pippa said...

Yo no entiendo. Patriots? Giants?

Non, a mi no significa nada.

Pero, si estes triste, estoy triste para ti tambien.



Ricky Pepper said...

that sweater looks so pretty with your fur Lorenza!


Lady Kaos said...

Those are really cute pictures. Don't be sad though. It was really close and they did so good this year, I bet they work harder for next year.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sorry we were rooting for the Giants and it was a very good game, at least it wasn't a blowout...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

The Daily Echo said...

Oh Lorenza! Did you take acting lessons? Mom wishes I would give her some cute poses like that. She's silly.

Asta said...

I hope you'we not sad anymowe..I couldn't stand that..You'we a vewy good spowt fow congwatulating the Giants and theiw fans...I hope you win next time!
smoochie kisses,

Joe Stains said...

it is sad for the Patriots, but great for the Giants!

Deefor said...

Sorry your team lost. You should have been a cheer leader. I slept a lot Sunday.


Maya and Kena said...

Hey Lorenza..
We're sorry your team lost... but how nice of you to congratulate the others!! :D
And thanks fur the comment on our new treat jar. We'd hand you some treats, but you said you couldn't have any..
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Willie and Waylon said...

It is okay Lorenza... there is always next year!
Your sweater is very cool.

Many Sniffs,
Waylon & Willie

Emily and Ike said...

Oh you look so sad!

Little Miss Jada Kiss said...

Aww, sorry Lorenza about your Pats! It was a really good game :)

You look adorable in your pics!

Luvs ya!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Me so sorry your team really didn't care cause me don't understand the game. You look so so sad that the Mommy wants to cry with you. We loved the pictures.

Your frined Mona & the Mommy too!!

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Lorenza!
You're welcome for the update on Bruno! We just read it too on his page.
And yeah, tons of other furiends were not able to see our bloggie, it was pretty weird...
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

L said...

Sorry you were sad that the Patriots lost. We had more fun playing the game in our yard then we did watching it.

CoCo said...

Sorry about your Patriots, but my daddy was a crazy Giant's fan and I had to deal with his yelling at the TV all Superbowl night long. Good thing they won because I got a big treat afterwards!

CoCo Puff

BrandytheGreat said...

Hey Lorenza!!
Don't be too sad!!
You're so cute!
BrandytheGreat and Gang.

Unknown said...

What a cute dog you are!!! Love the outfits, too. I only have a fleece jacket and some bandannas, so far. I'm growing so fast my mom and dad would have to buy new clothes every week :) They said I will get more clothes when I'm done growing, tho. Yipee!!

little Behr Behr (dane puppy)

Boo Casanova said...

lorenza, are you bump coz patriots lost? u know what? i thought tom brady is giants! lol

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi said...

Look at you all cute and cuddly. Don't be sad.

Simba x

Cassidy said...

Aw, don't be sad Lorenza, you be to pretty to be glum!

Cassidy x

Amber-Mae said...

Sorry to hear that the Patriots lost but don't worry. Next time they should be able to do better right?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Daily Echo said...

Hey Lorenza - check out my blog. There's something there for you!

ChaChi Lu said...


Sorry about your Patriots. But you do look cute! I bet you are good at peek-a-boo!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

u looks sad there.... dun worry, the patriots will bounce back..

watch out for their next match...

Liza said...

Aww Lorenza -

I know how you feel and those photos of you are just too precious!!

licks and hugs -


Hana said...

My parents are not big football fans, but they watched the Superbowl. Mom asked Dad who we were rooting for, and he said the Patriots. Mom secretly rooted for the Giants though, because they wore were her high school colors.

Dexter said...

Lorenza, are you still moping around? Time to move on, darlin' its almost baseball season.


Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Lorenza,

MY dear fren how have u been???????

Did i mention before that u look really pretty in pink!

Happy Chinese new year to you!


Thor and Jack said...

Não fique triste, Lorenza! Você é tão bonita!


Agatha and Archie said...

Well we sure know how you feel!! Arhie has just about stopped crying.....oh well little one we will have to wait till next year. And we could NEVER hate you(even thought you are a YANKEES fan!!!!!!!!) Love and kisses A+A

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

You are the sweetest cutey pie Lorenza in those photos! I like the one with your paw over your eyes, I sleep like that sometimes.

Hammer said...

Hi Lorenza
I'm real sorry your team did not win.
You sure look cute in pink.
Love from Hammer