Last night, we went to sleep at 11:30 pm and then around 2am we heard lots of bang-bangs, and then police patrol sirens and more bang-bangs!
Of course I wanted to go outside to see what was going on! And of course my mom did not let me go outside!
My mom told me to come back to the bed but I waited at the door... and she did not open it.
I decided to sleep there...
And even I changed the position...
About an hour later, she finally opened it...
But everything was in calm by then. (Thankfully)
Have a great weekend!
I hope things will be khalmer tonight fur all of woo!
OH My Lorenza, you sure can look scary at night, then giving your Mom the rasberries, OH MY!
Well we hope that there will be no more bang bangs or police!
Have a Great Weekend Lorenza and your Family too!
woo woos, Tessa
Lorenza! How could you stick your tongue out at your Mommy?! I am glad that you didn't get to go out because you could have gotton hurt.
Licks and Doxie luv,
I think you should stay inside where it's safe! Be careful out there!
You're such a good protector dog! Your mom can sure feel safe with you around. Be careful this weekend!!
- Charlie
We know it's important to make sure your yard is protected but we also know it's important that you stay safe! Don't go outsides again!
Sam and Pippen
PeeS. and don't stick your tongue out at your momma!
I hope that all the bang-bang stuff stops for good!
Nubbin' wiggles,
Woof! Woof! Those sounds are not good ... Glad you guys are alright. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
That must have been scary and not knowing what was going on. You were so brave to guard the door and keep your eye out, WTG girl!!
Crikey, that is scary. So glad you stayed inside Lorenza. I wonder what was going on??
Noah x
Miss Lorenza! Do what your Mommy tells you to do! If there are gangs in the street shooting things up, the police might think you are one of them and you could wind up in the slammer! Not for a sweet girl like you.
Hi Lorenza - you are a wonderful watchdog, but please be careful.
Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie
woofs, ooo lorenza i worry so much about u ur mom and grandpawents..its a good thing she didnt open the door..
b safe,
OMD..Lorenza we are so pleased you all stayed safe!
Have a good weekend whatever you have planned.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh my goodness. I send u a hug. {{{Mom & Lorenza}}} :)
We hope there will be peace and quiet tonight.:)
Teddy Bear
Start sleeping in the bath tub Lorenza; it's safer.
You are such a brave little girl!
So glad you stayed inside! Did you ever find out what happened?
Oh, is everything OK?
Next time (hopefully there won't be a next time though) you should stay inside where it is safe. I would have wanted to go out too, but it might me scary...
Oh, I LOVE your new look!!!!
LOrenza, please don't be looking to go outside at night when you hear those bad noises. That worries us. You must listen to Mom and stay safe. Glad all is quiet now. Be careful.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Lorenza...we are so sorry to hear about the scary night you had. Nothing is worse than being awakened from a deep sleep by sirens. ALWAYS listen to mom she knows best...STAY inside.
We hope tonight is better for you all,
Happy Saturday,
Madi and Mom
How scary! I hope today is peaceful and quiet!
Your pal, Pip
Good evening lorenza
Congratulations on the passport acquisition.
A busy day was spent.
While slowly indulging in a nap when it is hot. (^o^)v
from loved ume tyan
Lorenza, that is scary! That sounds like it is around here way too much these days and we just stay inside with the doors locked! Bad people all around anymore and it's sad that it has to be his way. Stay safe!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
You're such a brave dog, Lorenza... guarding the house when it's not safe outside. Thank dog nothing bad happened.
Licks, hero
Ooh, Lorenza that sounds very scary. You are a great watchdog though. I'm sure your mom and grandparents feel very safe with you around. But I agree it's best to watch from within the house. You can never be too careful.
Staying indoor is the safer, Mom is always right.
OH wow that is scary! Glad nothing happened to you!
You guys need a panic room!
That must have been furry scary, but you were incredibly brave to want to check out the loud action going on. Love your sleeping quarters by the door! And so sorry it's been too long since we visited! We've missed your adventures!
Huge Hugs and xoxoxoxoxo
Sammie and the gang here
Wuz you scared? I thinks I would have beens. Good thing you stayed inside.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
YIKES! This is sure scary stuff, Lorenza! We're glad you and your mom are safe!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What the hell? Jeepers, I hope it was just someone banging garbage can lids. Super scary!
That sounds scary! I bet you are the only one that got any sleep. You were brave to slepp in front of the door to protect your mom!
That musta been pawsitively scarey! We are so glad your Mom didn't open the door! Be very safe, okay?
((hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
As I was saying, I'm fond of your mom. So, since we already know I'm crazy about you, why didn't you call me last night, oh-why? I would have rushed over there to protect you!!!
Phew, glad everyone is safe. You did do a terrific job protecting your home without my help :)
If there were bang bangs, we're glad your mom didn't open the door.
hi Lorenza, that's kind of scary. we don't think it's a good idea to go outside when there are bang-bangs. your mom was wise to keep you inside until it was quiet.
Eu espero que tudo esteja calmo agora. Você é muito protetora da sua família. Ainda bem que ficou dentro de casa. Sair pode ser muito perigoso!
OMD, what happened. That sounds very, very scary...I hope everything is OK. On a lighter note... Congratulations on getting your Visa! That is great news!!
Oh I hope nothing bad happened Lorenza! I am glad you are safe.
Sometimes curiosity gets the best of us but your mommy was smart to stay inside.
You are a a good guard dog, Lorenza.
We luv you!
Star and Riley.
Glad your mom kept you guys nice and safe. Love seeing you peak out of the window. :)
I wonder of what're brave, little Lorenza !
Hugs from Flo in France, without Nana and Uyanga...
That is so scary, Lorenza!
I would have been barking like mad at the door.
We are so glad you are all okay.
Love, Bella & Ollie.
Oh my, that does sound scary. You were very brave wanting to go out but we think your mom was right in keeping you in!
Wonder what on earth was going on - you can rest assured it will be something to do with these humans.
Dogs never cause so much trouble
Martha and Bailey xxx
Wowser, that sounds really scary Lorenza. Glad you didn't go out, you might have gotten hurt and we sure don't want a hurt Lorenza. Hope there isn't any more bang bang going on.
Have a great Sunday.
I'll tell Alien to come over and scour the area from the sky, just to make sure it is safe for you guys. I don't want anything bad to happen to you!!!!
Wowie, what was all that banging? I'm glad you are safe!
Hi dear Lorenza,
That must have been scary!
Love your photos as always.
Have a nice Sunday.
Kisses and hugs.
No Lorenza you can not go out.. We are glad mom kept you in. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Lorenza - just stopping by and I see you've had some interesting things going on! Licks etc from Charlie's human
Good heavens, Lorenza...what the heck happened...
I would dived right under the bed...
Stay safe and don't go out when ya hear bang bangs!
Love, Lacie
How scary! We're glad you're OK - and in this case, it's good that you listened to your mama!!!
Tail wags,
That sounds like a very scary night, Lorenza! Good thing your mom kept you inside and didn't let you out!
Hola Lorenza!
Espero que esten Bien esos Sustos no se olvidan, la Mamma y Papi , estuvieron tambien en una Balacera y dice que fue Horrible!! Tu no salgas Lorenza, es mejor guardadita en Casita!
Spongy & Licky
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