Here is a picture of me last night. Can you see I am totally naked??
Not even wearing my collar!
Why? Well... the truth is... yesterday morning my grandma took off the bandage of my paw. She cleaned it and applied the spray... and I continued liking it. Around 10 am, my Vet called to know how I was doing and my grandma told him about the licking thing and 20 minutes later he came with a headcone! He was in a rush so he told my grandma to put it on me and left my house. She took away my collar and tried to make me wear it but I refused to do it. And like magic... I did not lick my paw anymore!
When my mom came in the afternoon my grandma told her all the story. And she noticed that my collar was not in very good shape.
Today morning she went to the supermarket and there she found a pair of collars for me. One black one brown. She says those two colors combine well with all my dresses.

And now I am wearing the black one!

Here my grandma was inviting me to cuddle with her...

And I accepted her invitation...

Then she went to her bedroon and I re-arranged the cushion to...

Enjoy a good and comfy nap!
My grandma is still applying the spray to my paw and so far it looks fine.
I hope you all are having a great weekend!