Today we woke up at 7:30am... and we had 96 degrees at that time.
I had my breakfast while my mom was reading the newspaper. Then, we watched one of the World Cup games. Then my mom decided to go to the kitchen to make homemade frosties for me!

Natural yougurt and peanut butter... nothing else.

To make sure the ingredients were right I had to taste them.
First the peanut butter... Yummy!

Then the yougurt.... Yummy!

Then... they were mixed...

Then I ate it! Haaa.... Not really....

7 frosties... one per day.... a whole week!
They went to the freezer!

A delicious and cold treat for a very hot afteroon!
Have a good night
Oh, what a neat idea. It's so hot and humid here too.
Lorenza your mom knows just what makes her sweet Doxie smile. Boy those frosties look very good. So this is your treat of the hot weather....good for you.
Mom bought a container of rainbow sherbet today (lime, orange and raspberry) the two leggers like to put several scoops in a glass then pour ginger ale over it...I guess that is their frostie.
Hugs Madi
That sounds like a delicious recipe. I will have to ask the Moms about that. I see no reason why they couldn't put that together for me.
wags, Lola
Woof! woof! Mmmm YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM You gave my mom another idea for another recipe for Frosty Paws. Oh! My Lorenza ... that's a huge Frosty ... you are very Lucky. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
With all that heat we can see why you need a frosty every day Lorenza! Hope you and your family stay cool.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
Oh I think that's a great idea! I shall have to try that!
Mmm that is a great idea Lorenza!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh, Lorenza! That's like the most super amazing looking treat ever! I really have to to talk to my mom about making us some of these. That looks pretty easy so she might be able to handle it...BOL!
Wiggles & WAgs,
Oh yea, sumptin mum can makes withouts cooking...hehehe! That looks so DEE-LISH. I am smacking my lips as I type.
Oh, Lorenza! How wonderful FUR you that your momma makes you frosty's. My gosh, it was in the 90s when you woke up? WOWZA!
Thank you so much for the compliment about our post for today. Tomorrow we will be talking about Germany. You should see all of the dogs from there, holy cow!
Oh we're gonna have mommy go get the stuffs fer that! Yummmmmmmyyyy!
Bobo and Meja
Lorenza those frostys look so yummy! Lucky you! I am catching up on your blog today, I have missed you!
xoxoxo Sami
What a great treat! It's 92 here today.:( Did you go for a swim in your pool?
Teddy Bear
Those frosties look delicious. Aren't you a lucky doxie to get a yummy frosty like that. Our Mom wants one of those. It is very hot here. We are all having small heat strokes.
Have a great week end.
Mmmmm! My mouth is watering, Miss Lorenza! I've got to ask my mommy to make a few Frosties furr me! What a nice mommy to make such a yummy treat furr you! I'm jealous!
WOO WOO Lorenza
What an awesome Treat and one for every day!!! You are a very very lucky Puppy dog! We can not believe how hot it is there!!! Don't get over-heated!!!
Thor and Marco Polo
Yummmmmmmmm! That looks absolutely deee-lish!
I'm gonna add yogurt and peenut butter to mums shopping list right now!!
Mooooooom... hurry and look at what Lorenza's mom made for her. She gave the recipe.... MOOOOOOOOM Please make some for me.
Thanks for the recipe and the grrrreat pictures. Mom's will never look as good as your mom makes yours look butt... I'm gonna make her try!!
THANKS LORENZA... you are a grrrreat furend. Keep cool... hop in you pool.
Gosh, those look good, Lorenza! It's very hot and humid here in Columbus, Ohio, but not quite 96 degrees in the morning!
Keep cool,
Your buddy,
OK Ms. L, we looked all over your blog for the weather thingy to see what today's HIGH temperature was, but we really do not want to was 86F here and we were dragging... and the pool was too cold. :( We will will have to check your weather on the weather channel, because you have won so many awards, the weather does not fit on there anymore...
Well, that is a GREAT idea. I will have to speak to my mom bout this cool treat. I bet she will make them for me!!
What a yummy sounding recipe! Humans might like it too. Maybe Mom can make a mini frostie for me to see if I like them. Thanks for the idea, Lorenza.
Double yummy, Lorenza! You can get through the hot weather much easier with a Frosty a day!
Wow! That is hot. It has been very hot here, too. Hot and humid. We've been staying in the house in the air conditioning a lot.
We are super jealous of your frosties! They looks so yummy!
~Milly and Shelby
Oh, I'm very fond of those myself! Enjoy them, Lorenza! I hope they last the whole week for you!
Your Mom is very good to you, Lorenza. That is very hot that early in the morning. Bet it was a good day for the pool.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That looks YUMMY!
It felt almost as hot as your world here today!
Stay khool!
That sounds like a good plan! Wow 96 degrees that early, Bow Wowzer!
Oh my goodness Lorenza. You have the best snacks ever! Hope mom makes one for us.
Benny & Lily
You're momma is so smart!! What yummy treats!
What a tasty and cool snack Lorenza. I hope you are not too hot.
OMD!!! What a PawSome Idea!!! Yeah!!
As a matter of fact looks like you have enough if we all drop bye, what do you say??? BOL
Between your Moms Frostie recipes and your Grandma's dress making you have it MADE!!!
Hugs, Tessa
Drooling . . .
. . . PeAnUt BuTtEr! . . .
Hi Lorenza - if you need any help finishing those frosties, Ollie and I will be happy to come to Mexico and help.
Mom says that we're bi-lingual because we know basic commands in Spanish.
Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie
Hola Lorenza, me parece que mi mami ya puso en su lista de compras los ingredientes para hacerme esos frosties, porque aca en Panamá también está haciendo mucho calor. Ufff, uno casi que se derrite. Saludos y gracias por visitar y dejar comentarios en mi blog, Bechitos Peggy
mmm that sounds like an interesting treat.
Your mummy is so nice, Lorenza.
Love, Bella.
Now you need a bigger container, so you can climb inside and cool off by soaking in it!
That looks like a delicious warm day treat!!! Pity I'm stuck inside cos its too cold!
Can I have a little bit of your sun?
Hi Lorenza
Thanks for that idea - it seems easy enough for our mum to manage!
Those are two things we both like and would never have thought of combining the two and freezing them.
It has been very hot here in Scotland which, unlike you, we are not used to at all.
We can see ourselves out on the decking enjoying those frosties.
Have a nice Sunday
Martha and Bailey xxx
Ice cream every single day sounds wonderful to us, Lorenza! Enjoy your frosties! yummmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Lucky Lorenza! I only get leftover yoghurt in the container after mum has it for breakfast. I'll have to use all my canine persuasion skills to get her to try out this delicious recipe! Thanks for sharing.
Wow thats hot.. Your mum makes a great treat, I think I would like that and will have to get working on mum to make me some.. Keep cool ... Hugs GJ xx
Good evening lorenza
The World Cup started.
And, the sun of the morning wakes up from early time, and we are difficult of the thing that is the sleep.
We wish to express our gratitude slowly for a cool meal at hot time.
Sunday night from ume tyan. :)
from loved ume tyan
That looks awesome!
I will have to get my mom to make that for me!
Hi Lorenza!
Looks yummy!
I love yogurt, but I have never try peanut butter.
Oh Lorenza you are the luckiest dog I know! You get a new pretty ruffled dress and your very own peanut butter frosties!! Maybe I can get my mom to make that nummy treat for me.
Homemade frosties? YUMMY!
What a very delicious idea!!! We will have to get Mama to make those here too! It was 80 degrees here this morning with TONS of hoo ma ditty!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory. Bilbo and Jacob
that looks delish!! I hope it cooled you off cause 96 degrees is awfully hot. Enjoy your treat!!
That sounds SO GOOD! I'll have to ask my mom to make that for me! YUMMY!!!!!
A whole WEEK's worth of frosties?!?! Lorenza, you are a lucky girl. But you deserve it. Definitely.
Ruby and I want to try frosties! You are a lucky lady, not just with the treats you get from your mama but my goodness 96 degrees (we've forgotten what the sun is here! .....and it is supposed to be summer!
Yowza that's hot, but those frosties sure look yummy! I will ask my mom to makes me some.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
hola lorenza~!
those frosties look so very yummy for my tummy!! you lucky doxie~!! :D
WoW!Thos frostiez look yummmyy!Lucky girl Lorenza. How is the heat now? any sign of rain yet? we have had 3 days of rain and looks like the famous indian monsoon is here!
Gin n Bud
Hopefully you are having another frosty today...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
também quero
beijos da Náná
Almost 100 here too! Our AC is really struggling. Frosties sound like the perfect thing (since we hate to get wet like in a pool or anything)
love & wags,
96 degrees so early- what does a girl wear in that heat? Mom makes me frozen yogurt cups like that too! Easy simple and cheap! Great minds think alike!
96 degrees so early- what does a girl wear in that heat? Mom makes me frozen yogurt cups like that too! Easy simple and cheap! Great minds think alike!
Now that looks most yummy!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
FROSTIES!!!!!!! And, 61 comments about FROSTIES!!! Must be fantastic....heading to the store RIGHT NOW!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
What a wonderful treat, lucky you!
Yum, Frosties!! I love peanut butter. That's one of my favorite foods.
p.s. Thanks for visiting my blog! :)
Lorenza I could hug you - you just saved me a fortune!! :)
wow those look so tasty and so simple! I need to get my Mom in the kitchen, it is getting hot here for sure.
miss lorenza,
that looks super delicious!! enjoy your week of frosties! :)
the booker man
Oooh! Home-made frosties!!!! Thaks for the recipe, Lorenza - I must get my human to make that for me when summer comes round again (it is winter now in Australia)
Loved your new Doxie dress, by the way!
Honey the Great Dane
Mmmm, they look deeelicious!
Wow, 96 degrees, that is practically like the sun! Hope you are keeping nice and cool.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Those look like a wonderful tasty treat!
What a great idea! We're gonna get Moma to do that for us now that we are sweltering in Florida! Yummmm! You always come up with the best ideas, Lorenza!
Thank you!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
That sounds TOTALLY YUMMY, and we are going to make sure that Grammy pays attention and maybe makes some for us too, though we probably won't get a full bowl all to ourselves with so many of us around... :(
That looks delicious...
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