Thursday, April 15, 2010


I am still mad...

Can you see my nails?? Or... what is left of them??

Everything started tuesday night. My mom gave me my dinner around 11:30 pm. More than 4 hours than usual. I went to sleep. Next morning... yesterday... she went to work without giving me my breakfast... and told my grandparents to not give me anything...and I thought WTF??... It was supposed she was going to come back around 10 am. She did not. I had to wait until 11:30 am. She came and took me to see my Vet. No food and a visit to the Vet? Something was wrong. As soon as we were there, my Vet took me to a room. I got a shot... and minutes later I was sleeping and she had the nerve to leave me there! While I was sleeping, he cut my nails to a minimum, cauterized them and applied a wax on them. Then, he cleaned my toofies and to finish the torture, he cleaned my ears too because I had an infection!

My mom came 3 hours later and I was not completelly awake so he told her to come back in one more hour. She went to buy some things and came back again at 4:30... and I was not ready yet! She waited one more hour. Then my Vet told her that I was in the shivering process but that I could go home but she needed to be very careful until I was fully recovered.

My first revenge came when she tried to grab me... I tried to bite her! My Vet told her it was a natural reaction.... haaa!

Then back at home, I had to wait until I was very alert to get my dinner! And I was starving!

My second revenge...

Two big oily stains in her new comforter!
I needed to rub my ears... that BTW were full of a nasty ointment... and that was a perfect place to do it!
She applied serveral products to clean it... without luck.
I guess she is going to have that remainder... forever!

Here I am planning my next revenge!

Have a good night


koko said...

You were anaesthetised at the vet, oh my... that must be a scary experience. I think mom got your message loud and clear now.

Licks, hero

houndstooth said...

Oh, the HORROR! Lorenza, I am most sorry! I've gotta confess, though, I thought your second revenge was something much more dastardly than it turned out to be. Tee hee! I hope you're feeling better soon!


Jans Funny Farm said...

We never heard of the cauterized nails. What does that do?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Did woo 'file' a khomplaint with the authorities?


little princess Luna~ said...

hola lorenza,

que horror~!! :(

pero no te quedes enojada con tu mami por mucho tiempo. estoy segura que ella te quiere mucho y lo hace porque quiere que estes healty and beautiful~!

me gustan tus unitas~!! :)


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Lorenza ... I am so sorry that your visit to the vet was not pleasant at all. My dad usually cut my nails n cleaned my ears every two week. Mom does the brushing ... no need of the vet n falling asleep. You are sure not happy n do plan a big revenge. Next time just ask mom if she can do it. Good Luck!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Golden Samantha said...

Oh you poor dear, Lorenza! Can't imagine being starved then subject to that torture - you did a righteous thing by oiling up your mama's bedspread heheh! Good job!
Hugs xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

You poor, poor thing!
I think I need to hold you.....

Deborah said...

WOW, I hope you feel better tomorrow. Your nails look nice though! I hope you didn't really do what I think you did for your second revenge!

Sam said...

For a second I thought those stains were piddle! Even if it's just ear oil, you still must have been really mad!

I do have to say that your nails look really nice, though. Tell mom to trim just a little bit off every week so that they stay nice and short like that.

Mayzie said...

Oh, poor Lorenza! I'm so very much sorry about your icky visit to the V-E-T! I overheard my mom say something abouts haivng that done to my nails! Do you thinks they will puts that stuff in my ears, too? If they do, I will try to follow in your footsteps with that oily stuff.

I hopes you gets feeling better soon and that your mom gives you extra treats and goodies and lovings to make up for her dastardly deed!

Wiggles & Wags,

Cappy the Eskie said...

Hi Lorenza, That was quite an ordeal. My Mom loves your nails. They look better than some of the manicures she's gotten, but they're a little too girlie-looking for me.

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Oliver too

kissa-bull said...

ay lorenza we are furry much sowy to hear of the horros you have endured
those yucky vets are not furry nice to ush sometimes are they?
good job on the revenge that should stop your mommish from doing it again
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack

Unknown said...

That was a horror of a day! I can help you get a petition going! Wow... mom will rethink doing that again..

Wow. I'm so sorry

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

That sounds HORRIBLE!!! I think you are smart in continuing to plot your revenge; actions like that cannot go unpunished! (Although as an aside, my Mom says that when she has surgery and come out from 'being under' she shakes too. She says it is just horrible, even when the nurses put warm blankets on her and it doesn't help.) I hope your revenge hits its mark!

*kissey face*

sonia a. mascaro said...

Oh my dear Lorenza!
I can imagine that you was very scary... But I think that your nails are nice now.
Did you know that Flora has long nails and she must to go to a Vet too?
Many hugs and kisses to you my sweet friend!

Anonymous said...

What a nightmare!!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

We also, too, never heard of that process on the nails. They do look good, but it was done against your will. You were violated. I see that now. I still maintain that you are simply not able to HATE your mom, but revenge is another matter. And it's sweet. You're doing well so far. I like the irony of the ear oil on the new comforter. Hoisting mama on her own petard, that is.

Don't forget, if you can make yourself vomit, a shoe is the absolute best place for that.

In the meantime, feel much better soon.

wags, Lola

Martine said...


Don't go off and do too many revenges.... just remember your mom keeps nice outfits for you!!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Life With Dogs said...

You poor thing! Did your quicks grow out too far?

Deefor said...

No wonder you are mad! You poor girl. Nails. Teeth. Ears. I hope you feel better soon. I think pee gets out oil stains. Try it.

Teddy Bear said...

Oh no! What a horrible thing! Why did he have to cut your nails so short?:(

Teddy Bear

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh so sorry to read your news on this post dear Lorenza, and I hope you are all better now.

I am sure you didn't mean to bite your Mama, these things happen sometimes when we are not feeling our best.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, so I look forward to reading more revenge 'tails' from you soon!

lotsaluv and healing licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Oh, my poor friend Lorenza. I look forward to seeing your next revenge! I just took revenge on my mum too. She didn't go to the store today to buy my favourite dinner which we had run out of. So, instead she cooked me a meal of mince! So I ate it, then came into the lounge room just as she sat down and vomited it back on the carpet!! Feelin good now :-) I heard her say she will go to the store in the morning. Yipee - my plan has worked :-)
Love Patsy

Unknown said...

Oh, my poor friend Lorenza. I look forward to seeing your next revenge! I just took revenge on my mum too. She didn't go to the store today to buy my favourite dinner which we had run out of. So, instead she cooked me a meal of mince! So I ate it, then came into the lounge room just as she sat down and vomited it back on the carpet!! Feelin good now :-) I heard her say she will go to the store in the morning. Yipee - my plan has worked :-)
Love Patsy

Dandy Duke said...

Wow! You have very good reason to be mad, Lorenza!
Our mom thinks your nails look wonderful.
Don't be getting any ideas, mom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

ocmist said...

Oh, you poor thing!!! My beautiful Lorenza, I am so sorry that you had such a hard time. At least you didn't say you still "Hate" your Mom, today. I think you are doing plenty to let her know how upset you are. The least she could have done is warn you!

Still, now your nails and teeth are so pretty for our date, and if you had continued having an ear infection, you could have gotten really sick and not been able to go at all. It is better that it was taken care of now before it got worse.

I promise that I will try to make it up to you this weekend! BG

Dexter said...

That was kind of a mean trick, but I think you will feel better in the long run.

I understand being confused after the sleepy medicine. I am sure mom isn't mad at you.


Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

Oh My...That was NOT fun...

I'd be mad, too...

Abby xxxooo

Daisy said...

Poor Lorenza! No wonder you were so crabilated! I would be in a bad mood, too. I hope you are feeling better today.

Noah the Airedale said...

Blimey Lorenza...what a horrid thing to happen to you. I gues your mama was only doing what she thought best.

Noah xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Lorenza what in the world you got a maxi manicure and a million dollar smile all in one visit. I've never heard a manicure like that. Will that keep the nails from growing?
After all that you would think the vet could have at least put some pretty pink polish on your nice nails.
Madi and Mom

BRUTUS said...

Oh,Lorenza.... I understand that you are mad, but it's all for the great good, you know? Mom just wants you to be pretty and healthy! Don't be too hard on her, OK?

Brutus the Frenchie

3 doxies said...

Dang girl, your mom must hate you. I can'ts believe she did that stuffs to you. You coulds always run away from home...that'll teach her. Uh-oh, my mom is patrolling my comment so I must add a disclaimer and say our mom doesn't hate you and she is only doing what is best for you.

Mack said...

Oh Lorenza,
I am just speechless. I know someone you won't be giving any sugars to this weekend!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

How AWFUL Lorenza!!! One question though, do your ears feel better? Try not to be to hard on your Moms. She's doing her very best to take care of you.

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Well I think you will have a beautiful smile now... you could try showing it it your mom... just once though to remind her that you were NOT amused.

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
We're glad you are ok. Your teeth & nails look very pretty. Hope your ears heal quickly.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - do your nails hurt lots. Ruby needs to have her nails done like yours.

Ruby Bleu said...

I would so be mad too Lorenza!!! But good job on messing up the new comforter...that will teach your Mom!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

That was quite the ordeal, at least you got to sleep through it. And you needed to have your ears cleaned, a pretty girl like you can't go around with a bug in her ear!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Man Lorenza...that must have been just ICKY!! Good luck on your revenges!!


Mack and Mia said...

That is just simply o.u.t.r.a.g.e.o.s, but try not to be TOO mad. your momma juts lubbing you a whole lot and was doing whats best for woo!

I mean, I guess if it makes you feel better to wipe your greasy ears on her furniture then youshould try the couch next! Tee-hee!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Oh poor Lorenza! No WONDER you were mad at your mom!! Did they do that process to your nails to prevent growth?
I hope you are feeling all better.

Charlotte said...

Oh my gosh!The horror of it all!! A triple threat! Ears, teeth & nails!

Lorenza - that's enuf to make a wiener pee on the floor!!

We know your adorable ears are gonna feel better soon!

((hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, now we understand why you were so mad, Lorenza. But when you are happy again, can you show us your pearly whites so we can see your beautiful smile? It isn't a lot of fun going without food and then that whole waking up thing is so annoying. Hope things are a lot better today.

Happy Weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Jake of Florida said...


What torture these humans come up with. Nails. Toofies. Ears.

We understand the need for revenge.

(Just remember though how much your mom and grandmom love you.)

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Oscar the Beagle! said...

You can be one meany when you are roused Lorenza lol I almost feel sorry for your mom x

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Lorenza mom is just trying to keep you healthy. You shouldn't be mad at her. She loves you.. Now give her some big smooches..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

A MilShelb Mom said...

Yikes! What a horribles day! Our Mom cuts our nails and we HATE that! Hope she doesn't start taking us to the vet for that. Glad you're ok though!!
~Milly and Shelby

The Army of Four said...

Oh, you poor, poor thing! I think you made your point with your mom - way to go!

Sierra Rose said...

Whoa Lorenza! What's been going on over there? Yikes.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Sagira said...

Oh no! But you will feel better once that nasty infection is out of your ears and wow your nails look beautiful!

Dog Foster Mom said...

Hi Lorenza, I just found your blog. I am sorry that you had such a bad time at the vet. I think your mom probably learned her lesson though and will never take you back there again. Well, maybe. You might need to do a couple more revenge things just to make sure.

C said...

nails are a little short....tell them you need a steak to feel better.

Alli and Frankie said...

Oh, you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon. :(

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Lorenza - what a lot you have suffered! I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight after just READING about your torture!!

Honey the Great Dane

The Brat Pack said...

WHAT is your mother thinking?!?!?!? We don't blame you one bit for revenge.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Ahhh.. revenge is sweet, no?? I am sure your mom's got your message Lorenza!!

(If those stains are caused by oil, did your mom try and pour powder/ flour on it to soak it up?? It may work if she hasn't tried that method yet..)

the many Bs said...

oh poor Lorenza, that sounds like a very traumatic experience. for a minute we thought that you had left pee-mail on your mom's bed. that would have been very good torture back at her. you're a good girl though and you will probably get some special treats for all of that dog abuse that you had to endure. you had better make your mom feel really guilty.


Jemma Chihuahua said...

You poor girl, that sounds horrible! Mom says I whimper and whine a lot when I'm sedated or coming out of anesthesia. It is never fun and quite torturous indeed.

Martha said...

Oh Lorenza, we are just back and are so very sorry to read about your dreadful ordeal!
This is just too bad! We don't like the nasty vet at all and can well understand how upset you are.
We do hope your mom is going to make this up to you with lots of your favourite treats.
Next time we go off on holiday you will have to come with us - if this is what happens when we go away!
Take care
Martha & Bailey xxx

umekotyan said...

Good evening lorenza
Scary of veterinarian.
Even if my ume tyan is seen, it understands.
It is necessary to call the veterinarian at time when rabies is injected.
And, it changes into a scary dog.
A wonderful weekend while turning one's eyes away from fear. (^o^)v

from loved ume tyan

Agatha and Archie said...

YOO HOOOO we are all caught up...Now first of all your Grandmas rocks for letting all you kids on the cahir with her!! and you look like you had a lot of fun with all your friends!!! uhhhhmmmm as for what happened at the Vets???!! Ohhhh boy.... you had better play on this one( looks like so far you are doing a great job..the oil ear marks is a good start) but we think you might need a little help..Call Aggie on her cell phone and she will give you some GREAT tips on how to work on you Mom ..We are experts...Love and a million kisses A+A

Asta said...

What an owdeal
I'm so sowwy you had to go thwought that. I hope youw bootiful eawses get bettew and uninfected soon.
Smoochie kisses
pee ess shiny toofies awe nice and Mommi says showt nails awe the most fashionable

Eric said...

Yikes poor Lorenza. Nice pay backs though. And the french manicure on your nails looks the biz!

Wiry loves Eric xxx

Scooter said...

Oh you poor Lorenza,
How bad that all sounds. But on the flip side it was better that you were asleep. Your mom cares and knew that those things needed to be done and that was a funny payback though, I must admit!!


Kari in Alaska said...

that is quite the revenge!

kalyxcorn said...

oh my, Lorenza! Spray n Wash for greasy stains, and for you, a nice big juicy bone!


Homer said...

Nice nail colours Lorenza! Very gothic, isn't it!


Unknown said...

Now I get it! But you do know that mommy and vet did all that because they care a lot, right? I mean check deep deep deep down and you'll see. I've never had my nails cauterized, I hope you're not sore.


Gosh Lorenza,

When you get mad, you get even! Butt, that's the way us girls are, right?

Star and Riley.

Lacy said...

w00fs, but sweet girlie, u needs to git ur ears fixed soon, remember angel lacylulu and her bad sorry the vet was mean to u..

b safe,

The Oceanside Animals said...

Fiendish, Lorenza!

Oskar said...

What torture! I bet you were scared and confused.

You should get lots of extra treats and cuddles!

How Sam Sees It said...

Be a good girl, Lorenza! We hope you are feeling better soon!


Brindusa (Brinda Dasha) said...

Wow, I liked the way they cut your nails. We have to go tomorrow for the same treatment, but the nails are cut until the flash starts. Interesting method. Lucy hates the cutting process but Freddy is so calm.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll be ok from now on.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

The vet did all of that stuff to you? Now we understand why you were mad at your Mom.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci