This morning I woke up my mom at 4 am. And she was not happy. She tried to ignore me but she noticed I was shivering. She put me on her lap covering me with my blankie and her arms. And I was there until 6:30 when she had to get up to get ready for her work. She was worried because it was not very very cold for all that shivering. Today afternoon I went to see my Vet. I was hoping he was going to take away the stitches. He did it... almost. He had to leave the last one because a little part of my skin is not "sealed" yet. He applied on my wound a silvered spray to help the healing process. Problem is... the smell of that spray is really disgusting (according to my mom) and it made her feel sick. I hope she will not barf on my bed! Also, my mom told him about how I was acting this morning and he asked if I had cough. Nope. He took my temp... yes... you know how! Normal. He checked more parts of my body. Nothing. He does not think there is something wrong. He told my mom that she could put me on my pajamas and to see if that helps. We both hope so!
Have a good night
PS. Our laptop is doing weird things. Last night when my mom turned it off, some authomatic actualizations were running and today, when she turned it on... many applications looked out of place. Even the software for the pictures is not working properly.
Please send her good vibes so she will be able to figure out how to fix this mess!
We hope your zipper closes properly soon, Lorenza. That is a tough spot for it to heal, always stretching as you move. Paws crossed for things to mend soon. AND for Mom's 'puter to behave.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Lorenza you and your mom will have pretty pink dreams all dressed alike.
Would you please ask your mom to send your full address to me. You won the pillowcase prize.
I hope your zipper closes up and that your mom's computer gets better.
I love your pink jammies! Mom and I both have pink jammies, too! Take it easy so you can get rid of the rest of that zipper!
Poor baby...hope the smell doesn't make mom shiver
Benny & Lily
Aw, it must be hard to wait to get better! I hope you start feeling better soon.
Paws khrossed fur woo AND fur the 'puter!
We know how stressful that khan be!
I hope woo stay warm enough and get a good night's sleep!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
hope you loose the last stitch soon!
Well, one zipper is better than a lot of zippers. I'm glad you're on the mend and think you'll be 100% in no time!
We hope the zipper finishes healing soon. Glad you get to wear your pjs again.
Get well soon Lorenza. Its not good that you (and mum) aren't getting enough sleep! Take care of yourselves. Hoping your computer is ok too!
Hi Lorenza,
I hope your zipper closes soon so you can wear your pajamas the right way again. These computers can be a royal pain sometimes!
I love how you and your Mom have matching pajamas! I hope your zipper closes soon, and that your Mom's computer is exorcised soon!
*kissey face*
oh no, we hope your zipper will cooperate soon. Nice jumper you have there ;)
Sorry to hear that you are all shivery Lorenza. We hope that you can stay nice and warm in your pjs and that you heal up well.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
Hi Lorenza
We are sure your zipper will close all the way soon, your mom takes goos care of you and that helps.
So sorry that you felt so shivery in the wee hours of the morning. Hope that your pajamas help with your sleep tonight and that your zipper gets healed up!
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Goodnesses...I'm sorry you were shivery, Lorenza. But I am Most Glad that almost all of your zipper is closed. I LUVS that you and your mom have matching pajamas. I am sending you many warm wishes that you will both sleep real good tonite and that everydoggie - including your computer - will feel better in the morning.
Wiggles & Wags,
I hope now that you can wear your pajamas you won't shiver tonight. Have a great night's rest, Lorenza and mommy
I bet you feel better having your jamas back on again. Sleep good and I hope your zipper heals up really well.
Stay warm and healthy, Lorenza.
Hope your mom's computer is okay.
Hope there would be no more shiver in the nigh after wearing the jammies... and the wound will heal up soon too. Sometimes these pooters can go cranker if you ask me.
Licks, hero
hi lorenza
oh no we hope you get zipped up soon! It's not fun having your zipper down and cold. And... I love your jammin pajamas. um kiss kiss.. oh no kisses? hugs then to u
Do you and your Mom have your Lucky pjs on? If so, then your zipper will be fine and so will the computer!
A happy goodnight to you both!
I sure hope that one last spot finally heals so you can get your clothes back on!! There is no way you would make it up here in our cold and snow!
Just ouch. That needs to go on its way so you can focus on fun. But the jammies are a good start.
Hi, Lorenza -
We hope you stop shivering and that your zipper closes real soon and that your Mom doesn't get sick from the smell of the medicine.
Mama sympathizes with the computer problems. She is saying a few HBO words because she is falling behind in her homework.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Me and my sister wish you well Lorenza. I hope yr mom is not having the virus attacked, my mom had something like that sometime ago, and she hav to refomated the computer.
good luck.
We hope you are over your shivers and your zip will close soon. I some times shiver for nothing and my bottom jaw clacks up and down.
Sending good vibes to you both. I hope your sipper closes soon. You must be so happy that you're able to wear your pajamas again.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Lorenza
We hope you zipper soon heals and paw crossed that your mom does not barf in your bed.
That would be gross.
We would like to see humans having their temperature taken the way they take us dogs!
Why can't we put the thing under our paw!
Sorry about the computer - ours has also been a little weird and sometimes we are having difficulty getting blogs to load.
Martha and Bailey xxx
oh Lorenza, we love your pjs and we hope your zipper closes soon
the hoomans always blame the least mine does, All the time! maybe you need to take over; i'm thinking of it but i have to be sensitive to the 2legger's feelings bol...
chikisses my friend
coco and the little devil, Tiffy
Those zippers are tricky things Lorenza - our mum is always saying so when she wrestles and curses one!
Hope you are feeling better soon and your jammies help you feel warm.
Your mum obviously thinks the whole world of you and it shows!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Oh Lorenza, I sure hoe your feel better soon!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Esperemos que estés mejor Lorenza. Mucho à nimo amiga!
I hope your computer does not have cooties. That sounds most strange.
I am glad to see you back in your pajamas. How unfortunate that you had to get your temp taken. Very undignified. You just stay warm. You will be better soon.
Hi Lorenza - oh dear, I hope your strange shivering stops! And I can't believe your zipper isn't gone yet!! Stay warm & snuggly in your pyjamas!
Honey the Great Dane
I hope you stay warm and cozy in your pretty pink PJs, Lorenza!
Hi Lorenza
Hope the shivering didn't come back and that your're fully mended soon! and that your Mom got her computer back working properly!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
So sorry your zipper doesn't want to heal. Mommy is always busting zipper like that.
You look so comfortable with you PJ's on and you look Pretty In Pink. Wasn't there a movie call that?
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings becuase of my Texas post. You know I love you, don't you?
We hope your jammies kept you toastie and warm!
Lorenza, eu adoro vir aqui e ouvir suas histórias e ver suas fotos! Você é uma graça, adorável!
Amei a foto em que você está deitada no travasseiro olhando para a rua.
Beijos e abraços de sua amiga brasileira.
Ah! Espero que seu zipper closes properly very soon!
Lorenza....our sweet beautiful girl we are so sorry your zipper is still not well and most of all sorry you were bitten by that nasty bug. I expect your shivering was due to not wearing your pjs we hope last night was a better sleeping night and most of all that the stinky spray didn't make Mom sick all over your new bedding.
WE're sending a telepathic message to all the IT gurus in hopes your mom's lap top is working properly.
Madi and Mom
Woooos Lorenza! I hope woo zipper heals up soon, try to stay warm... Mum would have suggested that woo come here to get warm, but it is real nice out, in the 40's right now!wooos for me, Scampi is freezing and wearing his dorky little sweater all of the time...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
oh! that is strange--i wonder why you were shivering...
Hope you're feeling better, Lorenza!
And only a cutie like you can pull off midriff pajamas!
oh no Lorenza baby! think i missed a post of yours how come you got stitches ? your shivering has frightened me! i will pray that everything turns out to be normal..
First the zipper surgery, now the crazy computer! We sure hope everything gets all fixed up!
Hope you zipper closes up soon so you can be back to normal!
Laptops are so silly...We are crossing our paws that it will be runnign correctly soon.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Foster Sibling Maggie Mae
i love your pajamas, lorenza! i hope your zipper heals up soon.
Hi Lorenza
Your mom is the fix it person. She will fix your computer.
Sending good vibes for your sick computer and your zipper too.
Love Ruby & Penny
I hope all will heal soon and that you will feel better.. Fingers crossed for the puter to heal too.. I am back from hols and have missed all my pals.. HUgs GJ xxx
Well that was weird shivering...any situation is better with pink pajammas!
Well that was weird shivering...any situation is better with pink pajammas!
Hope the rest of your zipper closes soon! I'm glad you get to wear your pajamas now and hope it keeps you warm!
Paws crossed for you to heal and for your mom to fix your computer!
Hope your zipper is all zipped soon! Take care, and stay warm!
Oh my so much going on Lorenza! Well we really hope that you are all better and your zipper is zipped up soon!
We are so happy that you can wear your pj's too!
We hope welleness to everything/one there, you, your Mom and her computer too!
Hugs, Tessa
I sure hope you're feeling better, Lorenza! Maybe you just needed your jammies on!
I also hope your zipper closes real soon!
Play bows,
I hope your pjs help keep you warm tonight, Lorenza and that the last "zip" can come out soon! (and please Mom, don't get sick in Lorenza's bed!!! - but sorry the spray smells so bad...) And I send my golden vibes that Mom's 'puter starts working well again - I know how frustrating that is!
Hugs xo
Well at least most of your zipper is gone..
You look so cute in your PJ's. Looks like it warmed you up..
Hope Mom figures out that computer...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We're so glad you're able to wear your jammies so you can be warmer, Lorenza! That is so cool that you and your mom match!
We hope your computer will be okay.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Glad that you got your stitches out.
Hope your jammies will warm you up and nothing is wrong.
Hope your mom is able to figure out the puter. My mom hates puter problems and always panics!
I hope it gets better soon. At least your mom did not barf on your bed, right? Stay warm and rest.
love & wags,
Thankfully you can wear your jammies again! That is very cute how your jammies match your mom's!
Never a dull moment there, eh? Glad to see you are at least able to be properly clothed again! No fever, and only one part of your zipper left? That's definitely a step in the right direction!!
Brutus the Frenchie
How cute that you and your mom have coordinating pajamas!
I hope wearing pajamas keeps you from shivering.
Humans are funny that way. Mine doesn't like being woken up before it's time to wake up either!
Hi Lorenza,
How I wish and hope I can bundle up some warm sunshine and mail it to you to keep you cosy and warm!!
Hope your little zipper heals up nicely and soon you'll be back to wearing those pretty dresses again.
*psst.. good luck to your mom on her computer.
Good evening lorenza
The Olympics ended, too.
For the player, it is wonderful continuousness of applause.
The player in Mexico and Japan also worked hard.
A result alone is not all.
I am a respect to their efforts.
And, the injury of lorenza is to want you to improve early by me.
A wonderful weekend with ease in a new bed.
from loved ume tyan
Happy Friday Lorenza and Mom
How is your zipper doing today?
We hope you didn't wake up cold.
Happy weekend,
Madi and Mom
Lorenza, we hope that you feel better and nice and warm soon!! We are happy that your zipper is nearly gone too! That first picture makes us want to hug you hard!!
Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!
I am sending good vibes to your mom right now.........vvvviiiiiibbbbbeeeeessss.....did your Mom get them.
I am also keeping my paws crossed that you don't get the shivers again and your zipper closes all the way.
Enjoy your rest sweet girl.
Oh dear, we missed the other post about the spot on your back. We sure hope you are ok! We will send over healing vibes for you and also for your computer!
Woof! Woof! Hope you had a good sleep Lorenza. This is not the first time that your computer is doing weird things ... Well, It is time for you to get or move to a MAC. Have a great weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I hope that last stitch comes out ok and soon Lorenza -x
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweety.......
we're such a bad boys and girl!!!!
We hadn't read about your little surgery!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeee.....could you forgive us????
How are you princess????
We hope your zipper closes properly very soon, sweety!!!!
You and your mommy have the same color're soooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!
What a great and special family you're!!!!
We love you!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend girls!!!!
And take care of you princess!!!!
We would love to be there cuddling you!!!!!
hello lorenza its dennis the vizsla dog hay if yoo think yore mama mite throw up just open the door to owtside and yell "owt! owt! owt!" thats wot they do heer to us wen we hav to throw up but we just ignore them and throw up on the carpet ha ha ok bye
Oh I'm so sorry you had to have your temperature taken, yikes!
I hope your zipper closes nicely & you get over your shivers!
Goodness, Lorenza, you are definitely having a time! At least they are letting you wear some of your clothes again. No wonder you are so cold… your body is used to being IN clothes. BG was shivering and shivering last night, too, and he quit when he got up between Mom and Dad’s shoulders and Mom threw one of her covers over him. It was pretty cold last night around here… about mid 30’s.
Mom is praying that your boo-boo will heal up all the way real soon! OC and the CCC
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