Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Almost wednesday...

It is 11:13 pm... Our temp 30°C (86F) and very hot inside our house...
Where is Lorenza??

Here I am... sleeping under the cover!

Its in times like these when my mom thinks my name fits pretty well.
Lorenza comes from the Latin and means Winner.
But here in Mexico, we call lorenza o lorenzo to people who are crazy.
Do you think I am lorenza???

Have a good night


Koobuss said...

Lorenza is a beautiful name and it fits you perfectly.

But, why were you under the covers? Was you air conditioner too cold? That's were I go when it gets too cold for me.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,


If u are crazy, then u must be lovinly crazy becos we think u are great wish I m crazy like u and love by lots who come in here, no, no u are not crazy u are Miss Lorenza.

Maxmom said...

That temperature!...under the blankets?!..we think a little bitty-bitty crazy!
Stay cool!

Martha said...

Hi Lorenza
Yes we think you could be a little bit crazy going under the covers in that heat!
You look very cute snuggling though and perhaps you just want to be snug.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Cocorue said...

be proud to be Lorenza.......just tell those that think you're crazy that 'it takes a CRAZIER dumbo to know another'

DoMoFi said...

Add that temperature with high humidity in Singapore! We are turning into "hotdogs" real soon! :) Btw we love your name Lorenza!

Teddy Bear said...

Lorenza, I can't believe you're sleeping under the covers when it's so hot outside. How do you do it?

Teddy Bear

Duke said...

We never sleep underneath the covers but we have more fur than you do, Lorenza!
No, you are not crazy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

koko said...

I don't think you're crazy, I think usted es linda.

Licks, hero

Suzuki said...

Tahlia does the same thing! I think she is crazy BOL She lays under the covers with the electric blanket on too!
Big licks to you

Melito said...

Princesa tu nombre es bien lindo!!!
Lo que si sigues tapándote tanto con esas calores que teneis en tu tierra,acabarás con un tipo más finito que una pincher!jejejeje,te recomiendo las camas por debajo que esta más fresquito o sinó,delante del ventilador acaparándolo todo jiji.Un lametón con todo mi cariño!

chloejessica said...

Chloe doesn't think your crazy Lorenza! She loves sleeping under the covers too! :)

Teddy said...

Wow Lorenza, you must be able to stand the heat really well if you want to be under those covers. How about cooling off in your pool?

Bijou said...

Hi Lorenza,

We don't think you are crazy cause we like to snuggle under the covers no matter how warm it is too!

Wags & wiggles,

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
We don't think you're crazy, we crawl under the covers to sleep when it's hot or cold too. We have been having really hot days to, but it cools off at night.
Love Ruby & Penny

The Black and Tans. said...

Lorenza it must have been hot under the covers!

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Olive said...

Lorenza, I like to sleep under the blankets too..even when it is HOT :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Lorenza...love your name and the explanation for its meaning...it is amazing that as hot as it was you were still all covered up. I'm sure you were busy taking in the lovely smells of your Mom in the linens....
I bet you and my friend Yogi would have fun playing...you both had short legs. He likes to play soccer.
Madi and Mom

Mia said...

Even when it's not 86 degrees, I won't sleep under the covers. But everyone has their own way of doing things. It doesn't make us crazy, just special!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo look sooooo furry khute tukhked under your khover!

Tank woo fur sharing!

PeeEssWoo: Your name is PERFEKHT!

Clive said...

How can you sleep under the covers!

Your AC must be very strong!

I'm nearly glad of our cool, damp temperatures!

Take care

Kess And Her Mama said...

I'm guessing there's air conditioning in the room...otherwise, the name must really fit you. I think that you're just a sweetie who loves to cuddle under the covers when it's cold!

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

Lorenza, I don't think you are crazy, I just think maybe you passed out from the heat.


Mack said...

I just think you are pretty!

And that is pretty much what our weather is like here!

sadermaxx said...

Hi Lorenza! Sadie sleeps under the covers when its hot to. Maybe its a doggy thing?

Anonymous said...

crazy or not, you're a cutie!

The Oceanside Animals said...

The blankets help insulate you from the heat, right? Makes sense to me!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Silly puppy!!! Not crazy but there is nothing wrong with being silly.

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

What we wouldn't give for it to be 86 degrees again! Our heat index is well over 100 degrees right now and it is unbearable.

We think you have a lovely name and that it suits your beautiful face...but we definitely don't think you are crazy. We like to snuggle under the covers no matter what the temperature too!

Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus

Princess said...

Maybe just a little... :o)

Petra said...

Hahaha! No, you're not crazy, Lorena --- you are a winner for sure! Snuggling in blankets is a good thing to do, spring, summer, winter or fall!

The Army of Four said...

No, not crazy at all! That looks soooooo warm and snuggly!
Play bows,

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

hehe, Lorenza - it must have been very cosy in there!..

Holly & Zac...XX

Dexter said...

That is a little odd, Lorenza. Perhaps the heat has made you go soft in the head. I sure hope it cools off.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Different strokes for different folks right Lorenza?? Hope you got lots of good sleep!!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Lorenza...where are you new friend?
Benny & Lily
Donde esta Lorenza?

Faya said...

No of course you are not !
But why do you go to sleep under covers ?
Kisses, Faya

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

You could be crazy sweet Lorenza but sure you're the most beautiful and sweet and lovely and cute crazy girl we know!!!!
we're a little confounded....you really were under your blanket????
but you didn't feel too hot???
Or your A/C was too cold?????
We could die if mommy would cover us with that temperature!!!!
In any case you look sooooooooooooooo cute!!!
And we love you a lot!!!!
sweet dreams baby!!!!!

kalyxcorn said...

aww, Lorenza and me must really have been separated at birth because it could be a hundred degrees out and i will still want to sleep under clothes that are fresh out of the dryer!

Astrid Keel said...

Lorenza is a bootiful name, especially when paired with princess... as in princess lorenza!!!

Stella said...

If its 100 degrees F and you are sleeping under a comforter, I would have to say, yes, just a little crazy.

But you are so cute and loveable no one would mind at all!


Anonymous said...

You are a silly girl sleeping under covers in that H~O~T weather! You should be out showing off your latest dresses!!!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Ouchie oochies! 30C is HOT!!!!

After explaining the meaning of your name we wonder if your name then means - "crazy winner"? LOL

Stay cool!
Pearl & Daisy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Why? It's HOT! Where's the fan, the AC, the ice cubes, the swimming pool... A blanket?

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Now we know where you got your name. You are pretty silly to be under covers when it is hot..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Agatha and Archie said...

Well we are a little worried....maybe the heat is getting to you..WHY ARE YOU UNDER THE COVERS???Love A+A

Anonymous said...


We love you, we all have a quirky side to us. I don't care what anydog says, your not crazy. And if your Mommy hadn't taken a picture she couldn't prove it either!

Love you, Tessa

kishiko said...

It is time to wake up Lorenza!
Play with me outside!
I love your name! cute name!

C said...

hmm....we don'y really get it...Yesterday it was a humid 90F (hottest day of the year because we have had a really cool summer) and Fo (poodle) sleeps on his back with no covers. We also told his groomer to cut all his hair off last time so he looks like a chicken....Maybe after your 117F days, 86F is just a little chilly.

Mochi and Bali said...

I love your name, Lorenza! :)

You're so cute under the covers, but wasn't it HOT under there?


The Animal Doctor said...

dearest lorenza,
please give your mom my kiss of thanks for helping in our campaign against greyhound racing in the Philippines. PETA, Philippine Animal Welfare and other animal welfare organizations in our country are working double time. I hope that we could get many supporters too.


Unknown said...

Perfect place to be on a hot hot day. I love your expression.

L said...

We think you are crazy to sleep under the covers when it is that hot!

Lacy said...

w00fs, u not crazy, u just like certain places to take ur nap..

b safe,

Tee said...

We're melting just watching you sleeping under the covers of a 30C night! It was 31C inside the house a couple nights ago and we were finding the coolest parts of the house to nestle ... no covers thank u very much!

Licks and wags

Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack

Bae Bae said...

You sure look comfy there.

~ Bae

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Lorenza, Mom calls me crazy because when it was 37*C INSIDE, I was sunbathing on a patch of sun on my carpet. Looks like you are just as crazy as I am, hehehe.

i said...

You are definitely Lorenza to me! But err not the crazy version.

SEDONA said...

No, you're not "lorenza", Lorenza, you're just a heat-seeking creature, like my feline sibling Poki!
Even when it's warm, he needs to be warmer :-)
Your pal,

Moco said...

You are not crazy, but you better make sure you drink lots of water.

Deefor said...

Not loca Lorenza! Just cozy. I didn't know that was a name for crazy! I wonder what Deefor means?

Deetz said...

I think you are two cute for words...you look so peaceful, warm, and comfortable.

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrrr Lorenza
That be hot Harrrrr. Yer name is Beautiful Harrrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Throw off those covers! It has been very hot here in South Texas lately too. Hot and humid! Most days have been 100 this week! Try to stay cool Lorenza!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Lorenza, we do think you are a winner, but certainly not crazy. Bet those sheets were cool and comfy.

woos, the OP Pack

Dewey Dewster said...

Geez Lorenza......are ya tryin' ta cook yerself sleepin' under the covers when it's hot as Hates ????

Boy when it's that hot at night.....how hot was it durin' the day ???? Hotter than we would like......fer sure.....

Hope ya got a good rest.....we don;t think yer Loco....just a bit eccentric....

Dewey Dewster here....

Taffy said...

Ain't nothing crazy about that Lorenza! Under the covers is where EVERY doxie should be no matter the temperature.

Pippa said...

Haha we have a friend called Lorenzo from Argentina who is slightly crazy too.

Pero, tu, no. :)