The projects....
Eduardo tagged me to do this seasonal meme.
1. Wrapping paper of gift bags? Wrapping paper.
2. Real tree or Artificial? We have an artificial tree
3. When do you put up the tree? The last weekend of November
4. Wreath on your door? Not exactly a whreat but my grandma makes something special for the door
5. Do you like eggnog? Here we do not make eggnog. My mom tasted it once and she liked it but she does not know how to make it.
6. Favourite christmas gift received as a child? A ball that was bigger than me.
7. Easiest person to buy for? My grandma
8. Least easiest? My uncle
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I like to mail cards
11. Worst christmas gift you ever received? A blue sweater
12. Favourite christmas movie? How the Grinch stole christmas cartoon version
13. When do you start shopping for christmas? September
14. Have you ever recycled a christmas present? Hmmmm.... yes
15. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Eve
16. Lights on the tree? Yes, lots of them
17. Favourite christmas song? We like some but we don't have a favourite
18. Travel at crhistmas or stay home? Stay home
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and
of course Rudolph
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? A star made by my grandma
21. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Turkey!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Last minute shopping
23. Favourite tree ornament, theme or colour? Angels
24. Favourite for Christmas dinner? Turkey sandwiches
25. Brussels sprouts - love or hate them? We don't cook brussels sprouts.
26. Favourite accompainment to the Christmas Pud? Ice cream
27. Favourite christmas carol? We don't have a favourite
28. Your very favourite christmas thing? My mom is at home for almost a week so I can spend all the
time with her
29. A christmas wish? Health for me, my family and all my friends.
30. This is fun! Play this meme. Let us know about your christmas traditional things!
Have a good night
Have a good night
lorenza, thanks for reminding us, we havent even started decorating!
love trudis :)
Hi!Lorenza.Happy Thanksgiving Day!
I ask my mom to make T-shirt for me.
will your mommy make me a sweater in my size forthe holiday?
Happy Turkey Day!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco - The Princess
happy thanksgiving, to u and your family
Hi Lorenza
Mom has been really knitting up a storm. The sweater is going to turn out real pretty.
Great meme. It's fun to learn about other families traditions. I wish you and your family health too.
See you soon.
Love Ruby
We are soooooooo thankful to know you, sweet Lorenza!
wags from the whippets
Wow. Those must be the cleanest Christmas tree ever! Happy decorating. Would love to see the final result.
Great list Lorenza!
BOL... now we know that your blue sweater is going to be beautiful! Look how hard she is working on it!
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so glad you knew all the reindeer names!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Cute jammies - hope woo had a nice Turkey Day.
Woos, the OP Pack
Wow, that sweater is really coming along fast!! Hee hee, I never heard of anyone washing a Christmas tree...but it's probably a good idea!! My mom is going to put up her tree tomorrow.
T-man Angel
As always, a khute post from woo!
It always makes my day to see your khute self!
We are impressed with how fast your mom can knit your sweater. We know you will look beautiful in it.
Wow...the sweater is coming along very nicely! And the tree looks all set for decoration!
The seasonal meme sounds like loads of fun, but we don't really celebrate it in a big way at my place, so I think if I do it, I won't have many answers...LOL! But yours are great, Lorenza...*wink* Hope you have a great weekend! (It's Friday here already..*grins*)
Happy Thanksgiving!
We've put our tree up, but there's nothing underneath yet. Something about us chewing. Hrmmph.
lol, the x'mas tree got a bath! that's funny! u have fun "helping" your mom yer. make sure the leftover on the floor - to the destruction!!!
wet wet licks
You look so cute in your pajamas.
Have fun decorating for xmas Lorenza
~ Bae
Hope you had a good thanks giving. That tree looks huge!
Simba x
phew! You are so lucky not having brussel sprouts, in my Marvin view they are the work of the devil!
Stinky horrid things.
We enjoyed your Christmas Meme.
But how many trees to you have there?
love and licks, Marvin The Main Man.
Hi Lorenza,
I enjoyed reading about your Christmas traditions, I might do one sometime.
Happy Thanksgiving Day even though we don't celebrate it here.
Your sweater is coming along nicely
Did you get yourself lots of foodie on Thanksgiving, Lorenza?
Your sweater looks beautiful. I lover that shade of purple. you are going to look stunning in it.
Your Christmas tree will be sparkly clean now, tee hee. Mummy and daddy think I am old enough to be trusted with one this year, whee!
Cassidy x
nice work lorenza
hmmm... now, we'd like to work on that meme thingie. its just so cool.
hope the sweater project goes on successfully. and as for the tree, does it like baths or not? hehe..
drooly kisses,
I was a little worried about those green hanging things until you said it was your Christmas tree.
Hi, Lorenza...
Your sweater is coming along nicely...I can't wait to see you model it...
My Mom is being lazy...She hasn't even started decorating yet...
She says this weekend...We'll see...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Lorenza! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Your blue sweater is going to be sooo pretty! I can't wait to see you model it!
What cute jamjams!
I learned a lot about you today! Very interesting!
Ohhh, decorating is fun. We are doing that this weekend.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Have a pawsome weekend dear Lorenza! Looking forward to seeing the results of your tree decorating!
Wow, what awesome answers you have. So sorry for the sudden disappearance! And its the first time we've heard of a christmas tree getting a bath. i don't think they like it either. :-)
oops, looks like we caught you in your jammies. We enjoyed reading your list of Christmas things - that must have taken you a while to get through! Enjoy decking the halls this weekend.
Abby, Rosie, Angel, Gidget & Lola
Hi Lorenza,
First of all, thank you for your Christmas Card! We just got it today!
Hahahahahha washing the christmas tree, I know caz is a cleaning fanatic but i dont think she would go as far as washing the tree.
can't wait to see you in the sweater.
Ludo the cool dude
Look at your mom go on that sweater! Good for her!
Our mom has NEVER ever washed our Christmas tree before! She never even gave it a thought!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
FelÃz pasado dÃa de acción de gracias Princesa.
Muy bueno el Christmas Meme.
Muchas patitas
mmmm turkey sandwiches!!!
Yo también estoy por poner la deco de la temporada, es mi trabajo de siempre...
¡buen fin de!
hi Lorenza, that is so cute that your christmas tree got a bath. we can't wait to see it when you put it up and decorate it. we know that you are going to help.
Hi Lorenza,
Do you celebrate Turkey Day in Mexico?
Your pj's are so cute. We don't have pj's. We sleep in the nude.
I bet your Christmas tree didn't like the bath!
Wow you even have PJ's? Slippers too?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Nice clean tree for Christmas, will the sweater be finished
We really enjoyed your Christmas meme!!
We never heard of givin' an artificial tree a bath but it sounds like a good idea....who's the sweater gonna be for???? It sounds like yer all ready fer the holidays....our tree won't be up til 2 weeks before Christmas...
Dewey Dewster here....
WOO WOO Lorenza
Looks like your Mom is very very busy getting ready for Christmas! What do you think of the Christmas Tree? Mom won't put up one because she thinks we would want to water it???
Thor and Marco Polo
ps - we love your PJs
Good answers on the meme, Lorenza!
The Girl said she never thought of washing the tree like that. Then she said, boy, I bet it's dirty! I think we have a new project...
That sweater is sure coming along well!
Brown dog kisses,
Thank You, Lorenza!
I love your pajamas!
Great answers to the Holiday Meme. It sounds like we do a lot of the same things that you do.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hi Lorenza,
Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for the xmas card!
yours is on the way... after i get my laptop fixed!!!
licks and treats,
You are so cute in yiur jammies, and so lucky your mom has such pretty clothes for you. We get to start decorasting for Christmas this weekend. Isn't this the bestest time of year? I love it!
Sweet Lorenza Girl!
I can't believe even your tree had to have a bath!! (Good thing I don't live with you ~ I'm sure I get much dirtier than your Christmas tree.)
I LOVe this meme, and I learned some good tidbits about you too!
Enjoy getting ready for Christmas and all of that great time you're going to get with your mama.
Goober love & smooches,
Happy Thanksgiving!!.. oh i think i see the sweater.. i want!..hahah
btw, dunno why the video can't be viewed.. but i've did some changes.. hope this time everyone can view it..
Happy Thanksgiving, Lorenza!
I love your pajamas! :)
Seeing you in your jammies makes me think it's time for a nap!
You look great in your pj's and great meme! We are putting up our tree this weekend too.
Your mom has been busy! Mine says our tree will go up soon. I brought in some mud for it but she wasn't happy about that--I don't know why.
PS Cute pjs.
BOL, your mum washed your tree?!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!
M & I
No not a time out. Just taking a rest from all her zoomies..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Lorenza -
We hope you and your family had a Happy Thanksgiving. Grammy and Kaci came down to see Papa's aunt and uncle so we went to visit with them. Have a good weekend and the sweater is a very pretty color. We can't wait to see you in it.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi Lorenza!
I can't believe your tree got a bath! I've never seen a tree get a bath before, unless it was just standing in the rain! Your sweater is looking really great!
Olá Lorenza!
Eu nunca ouvi falar de árvores que tomam banho. Exceto quando chove, hehe
O meme é muito divertido. Gostei das suas respostas.
Our tree has lights IN the tree, so a bath would be a bad idea! lol!
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