Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today was a little bit cold so I wore my new coat.... then I heard something....

A kitty!.....

And then I saw another one.....

I know they went up by this side....

Then.... they ran away.....

And disappeared here....

Today I had two walkies. The first one in the morning. We went to buy milk. Then I had a car ride. We went to buy lunch. This time "we" had spanish food. Then later we went out again for a longer walkie. And I saw 2 little kitties! When they saw me they went up to a tree and when I was sniffing around the tree they went down and disappeared into a house! Hmmmm...

Right now, we are working on our Christmas cards. We started like two weeks ago. Without knowing how many would be on the list, we made 140 cards. They are almost finished. Tomorrow is a holiday so we have to wait until tuesday to go to the postal office.

I hope you all had a great weekend!


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
Are you enjoying your long weekend?
You were lucky to be able to go for so many walkies. It was to cold here for anything but quick potty breaks. I liked your kitty friends, they were very cute.
See you soon.
Love Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Lukhky girrrrrl!

Two walkies, a khute khoat, FOOD, and some khytties!!

Mom says the one in furst pikhk was pretty khute!!!


Lacy said...

w00f's Lorenza, u looks bute ti ful in ur pink coat..they cute kitties, did u chase them?? yummmie meiz hungry..

b safe,

Copito said...

Hey que lindo gatito, cómo te diviertes!

Yo con líos de pañales :D

Ya soy papá!!!


Juno said...

Lucky you, Lorenza!

Two walkies and a car ride? That's nice. Our humans say they are too busy to do two walkies.. we have to be adopted by your family!! :)

As always we admire your coat! So stylish.

Momo & Pinot

The Animal Doctor said...

lorenza, as usual you look pretty in your pink coat, i dont understand why those kitties are afraid of you.

kisses, trudis :)

Thor and Jack said...

Olá Lorenza!
Três passeios em um dia parece bastante divertido. Você ficou muito bonita com aquele casaco.
Também não compreendo porque os gatinhos fugiram. Você é tão legal!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Oh Miss Lorenza you look GORGEOUS!!!!


Niqqi said...

Hi Lorenza, luv your pink coat. We had our first snow today, not much just enough to get my feet wet and leave footprints in the house. Maybe next time those kitties will want to play.

Forever fluffy,

T-man's mom said...

Wow, 140 cards?? That's a lot!! You must have been very busy this weekend.

I love your pink dress. I bet you get a lot of compliments from the neighborhood doggies.

I'm glad to hear those kitties have a home. I was worried that they were strays.

T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel

L said...

We link sniffing for kitties too, although we aren't as dressed up as you are when we do it!

We can't wait to see your card this year. Hopefully your mailman will deliver them on time this year. We had to pose for our cards this weekend.

Snowball said...

Those kitties are quite pretty but not as beautiful as you thou.


Gucci said...

I don't know what a kitty is but that thing looks like a big squirrel to wonder you wanted to go after it!

Mom and I like the pink bow on your coat!

Stay warm!


i said...

That's some cute kitties (did I just say that?)

Sounds like you had a great weekend!

140 cards? Oh wow! You both are really fast and efficient!

Myeo said...

WOW!!! 140 is ALOT of card!!!

Hmmm, we wonder what are those kitties scared of?

Boy n Baby

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, those are sure cute little kitties that you saw. we're glad they went into a house and didn't get stuck up in the tree.

you are doing a great job on your christmas cards. our mom says we are gonna make ours next weekend. we hope she can mail them on time!


Yogui said...

Eran unos preciosos gatitos... ¿será esa su casita?, a lo mejor son unos buenos vecinitos.
Se ve que eres muy previsora con las postales de navidad, yo creo que haré unas cibernéticas para todo el mundo mundial...
Patitas estimada princesa

Yogui said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melito said...

Vayamno entiendo como no te dijeron nada esos gatitos, con lo guapisima y simpatica que eres ains...eso es que no te conocen bella ;)!
Un lameton biiiiien grande arf arf!

Bae Bae said...

That's a nice walkie. I hope you get to meet those kitties again

~ Bae

Duke said...

Your coat is just beautiful, Lorenza! We love the bow!
We hope you meet the kitty again on another walkie so you can say hi next time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The WriggleButts said...

Oh... Kitties! I met lots of kitties this weekend. Or I saw lots, anyways..


Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

I love your coat...

Your kitty friends are very cute...

Abby xxxooo

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

It was windy yesterday but not too cold. We are going to have colder weather this week.

Your coat is so pretty and those kitties are really cute. But I (Hershey) like to chase squirrels.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Kitty, kitty, kitty - hope woo get to see them again. They were furry sweet.

Cute coat there too.

Woos and wags, the OP Pack

Hugo said...

Wow that's a lot of cards you've made. My two-leggeds started yesterday and she only made up to 9 and it wasn't even finished. Sigh.. Your two-legged is more efficient.


Maggie said...

oh well
what a nice pink dress you have Lorenza..:D
it's good to have walks..
mommy doesn't walk me much now..
she has to finish all the exams and also the thesis..
sigh..i bet..i have to wait again..

Amber-Mae said...

Nice warm coat you got on there! That little kitty on the tree looks fun to play with. Stay warm & we can't wait to receive your card! We have get ours started real soon before Mommy goes away for three WHOLE months for a singing competiton!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Eduardo said...

I can't wait for my Mommy to go get the christmas cards! I'm super excited! Those kitties sure are cute!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

kishiko said...

Hi Lorenza!
The kitties are cute. Are they friendly?
My mom is making 100 new years cards. The cards have my pictures.
wags wags

Dexter said...

You started your Christmas cards already? Oh, I am so far behind.


the Corgi Girls said...

Love your coat, hope it helps keep you warm!

M & I

Murphey said...

Did you bark? We always bark at the kitties we see on our walks.


Rambo said...

two walkies and a car ride. You had a busy Sunday.
Was the spanish food good? What did you eat?
Sounds yummy.

Daisy said...

Lorenza, your pink coat is very beautiful! I am glad you got to see some nice kitties.

Aggie said...


I love the new coat. You always look good! You are a true DIVA! My mom always trys to dress me up, but dad gets mad and takes my outfits off.

Enjoy your long weekend.

Sloppy Licks,


Clover said...

Hi Lorenza!
I hope you are having a great long weekend!
I have to hurry up and send your Christmas card so that you get it in time!
Love Clover xo

Lady Kaos said...

I love your coat! Those kitties are very cute. Too bad they didn't want to stick around and play with you!

Poppy said...

That's a very nice jacket, Lorenza. I'm glad you had a nice walk. I nominated you for an award. Go to my blog to see!


Fred said...

What an exciting day you've had! And I love your new pink coat! Meanwhile, I am also impressed that you're almost finished with your Christmas cards. I haven't even started on mine! Oops!

Petra said...

OMD, did you have to lick the stamps and envelopes for all 140 of those cards, Lorenza?!

Too bad you couldn't chase those cats up the tree!

well this sucks said...

Ahahaha I like your pink polka dot shirt Lorenza!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You look so cute in your pink Jacket.. Sure hope those kitties went to the right house...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dewey Dewster said...


Those were cute kitties but they woulda drove us nuts til we could get 'em....too bad they had ta hide from that's a really swell coat and we will need our coats soon cause it's cold and it snowed here taday in the Big nice weather in the forecast.....bummer...

Dewey Dewster here.....

Joe Stains said...

ooh we are so excited for the card exchange! Those kitties were actually kind of cute?!

Kelli said...

Those were some cute kitties you found! We have a couple kitties at my house, one is my arch nemisis "The Cat" or Beta as The Owners call her. I guess she's not that bad, actually we are kind of becoming friends! HA! Friends with a cat is that crazy or what?! It looks like you had a good day!

Homer said...

Hi Lorenza,

It's been a while since I drop by. We just move into our new house and did not have internet access. Anyway, it's getting colder by each day in Netherlands. And, we have not started to design the Christmas cards. Oh well, we'll managed.


Chef said...

Lorenza honey, you look so cute in your little pink coat! You had a very exciting day.Too bad the kitties were afraid of you - they would have been so much fun to chase around the yard.


Koobuss said...

WOW Lorenza!! That sounds like almost a purrfect day to me, except for the part about not getting any Spanish food. Otherwise, it was pretty good. Going for two walkies, seeing two kitties, and chasing them up a tree. You must have had a lot of fun. That's what holidays are for.

Your coat is lovely. Aren't you glad that you got to wear it already.

Good luck with the Christmas cards.

Koobuss Kisses,

Katie and Gizmo said...

Hi Lorenza,

2 walkies! Wow you were spoiled.

I like your new coat, does it keep you nice and warm? Does your head and butt get cold though being uncovered?


bunch o'mutts said...

Hi Lorenza,
those are very cute kitties you saw. It's a pitty they ran away and didn't want to play with you. I love your sundresses, you are such a fashionista.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like a nice walk. We need lots and lots of cards this year!

Simba x

The Musketeers said...

Haha , seeing her more make me feel like running away ! How come you will see her more & love her more ?

Lots of Loves ,

☮momoKo said...

Oi!Lorenza.The words written in your blog are plain and are easy to read to me.Thank you.

Putter said...

omg lorenza! omg! i would have wanted to EAT that cat!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

love, putter

Eric said...

Lorenza, wow, what a bootiful coat. You look a real sweetie....and the colour is pawfect on you, I'm loving the bow on the back too...Sophie Loren of the doggie world!!!! Glad you had a nice long weekend and lots of walks.Wags, Eric xxx

Mack said...

Good thing that kitty didn't scratch you!!

Pedro said...


Those kitties are so cute! Your mom is so organized with the Christmas cards. We haven't started yet. My mom says we've gotta get busy!


Tatum Tot said...

Wow kitties! they are for Chasin'! Tho the Mum says I shouldn't.. sometimes I just can't help myself.

That is a super pretty pink coats I like pink coats! I get to wear mine again soon!

Niamh said...

I didn't know that it got so cold where you live. Your pink coat looks very sweet. It is cold here but my fur is longer than yours so I don't need a coat.

Your friend,

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO Lorenza

We just love your pretty pink coat! It looks dashing on you! The little kitty-kats were pretty darn cute too!

Thor and Marco Polo

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I hope those kitties are ok....they are very small. Maybe you could adopt them?

Bobby said...

Wow what a lot of dresses you have, you look like a model and so beautiful. I don't even have a proper home I am just fosterd.
I have been here for a year nealy though.
I better not let the Mop see you he will want to come over, he thinks he is casanova. Thank you for comeing by.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello lorenza its dennis the vizsla dog hay that wuz gud wurk tracking the kitties that far kittes are verry verry sneeky!!! ok bye