Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My tongue!

Many of you have been showing us your tongues and I want to show mine. My mom had to look in all her files because there are not many pictures of me showing it. These are the ones we have!
Bentley and Niko tagged me to share 7 weird things about me. This is hard because I DON'T DO WEIRD THINGS! (Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)
1.- I like to sleep on a pillow and with another pillow over me.
2.- When my grandma gives me my veggies at noon, I eat them with my right front leg lifted. I don't do this with my breakfast or dinner.
3.- I love my clothes. During the summer because that means walking time and during the winter because they keep me warm and I am always freezing.
4.- I don't have a problem getting my nails clipped by my vet, but if he tries to polish them I act like if he is trying to kill me!
5.- I always want my mom to carry me in her arms. As soon as I see her I ask for this. My mom says that I am a little bit heavy to go around carrying me.
6.- I love my mean mailman. I always pee pee when he comes to my house. (BTW he brought me 17 cards today!)
7.- I am not good with commands but I understand many words. If my grandma says "three" I run to the kitchen because that means "cheese" and she always gives me 3 little pieces. If my mom says "lets go" I run to my closet to choose the dress I want to wear for my walkie. If my mom says "to sleep" I run to the door ready to go to my bed.
Have a good night


Snowball said...

I love your tongue, Lorenza.

Looks like you are wearing more clothes than your mum would visitors think that you have a hooman pup at home when they see these clothes?

I have one packet of that beef tripe treats too. I am sure you will like it. Its so nice of /miss Sunshade and Jaffa to send you Christmas pressies. Ask your postman to stop being nasty and return all your cards to you soon.


Agatha and Archie said...

Dearest Lorenza,PL2 received your beautifull package and sent you an email! We hope you got the email!! You have a very cute tongue!!! Our mail man always tells us the weather!!!!! Love and kisses A+A(Archie is waving from his bed)PS PL2 said when she makes the ,ahem, low fat cookies if they are good she will send you the recipe!

Randi said...

Hi Lorenza!

Your pink tongue is sooo adorable! muy guapa! & you are very smart to know the meaning of so many words...especially 3 = CHEESE!

Love & Licks,

Emily and Ike said...

I just wanted to tell you how fabulous you look - congrats on the weight loss! My mom said now it's my turn.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You have a nice tongue. :)
It's really nice that you like your mean postman

~ Girl girl

Asta said...

Ouw Mommis don't let us off leash cause they love us!
You awe a vewy smawt giwlie to know all those things and I think you should show youw tongue mowe's weally bootiful!!!!!!plus you look vewy happy with youw tongue sticking out
smoochie kisses

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Lorenza...I'm so sorry I haven't been by in the last few days...Mom has been hogging the 'puter!!!

Hey, I don't think any of those things are weird...well maybe the leg lifting when eating your veggies...but nothing else!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

Your tongue is as beautiful as your are. That is funny you lift your at noon but not breakfast or dinner.
Tell your mom she should try carrying me around. My mom has had to do it before. Though it is not a usual occurrence.

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrr Lorenza
Cool Pics I am linking you to my blog Harrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

L said...

You have a long skinny tongue - to go with your long skinny body.
Very cute.
Comet and BLU

chiyo said...

what a looooong tongue!! hee hee cool, you can touch the top of your nose with your tongue! what a feat :)

hahaha you like to sleep like a hotdog? :p sandwiched between pillows!


Patience-please said...

Lorenza, you are so smart and beautiful too!

wags from the whippets

Sam I Am said...

you look fabulous keep eating your veggies they are good for you ...

Boo Casanova said...

hahaha lorenza, i'm seeing lots of tongue action these few days. i'm gonna have a tongue post soon.

wet wet licks


Stanley said...

Lorenza Girl!

First of all, you are SO CUTE, but especially showing us your tongue!

You're right about you NOT being weird. All of those facts about you make you eccentric, but never weird.

Goober love & smooches,

Luckie Girl said...

YOu should smile more with your tongue sticking out! :) You look really cute!

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, we like the picture of you licking your nose. too cute! hee hee. we think you are very smart to know the things that you know.


Simba and Jazzi said...

Why would you need your toe nails polished? Leave them alone I say.

Simba xx

MJ's doghouse said...

wow you are a long dog that has a long are also very smart lorenza....i am usually asleep long before mom goes to when i wake up in the night...then i go to bed....and i dont ahve any dresses....poor dad says big girls like me dont need a dress....i think he is mean

Amber-Mae said...

Nice long pink tongue! I don't like my nails being clipped becoz my nails have not been clipped before! Haha! Great answers there Lorenza.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

You love the mailman *gasp* I'm not doing too well on my new year's resolution to start liking the mailman better! Can you tell?! heheheh
What a long tongue you have, Lorenza!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

I hope our card was among the 17!

You are a very pretty pink tongue Lorenza!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Girasol said...

Your tongue is long and cute!
You must be excited when the mean mailman goes to your home beacuse you pee.

José Tan said...

Hi Lorenza,

You have such as long and pointy tongue!! Cute! And oh my goodness, you really do have so many clothes! Me, I don't have a single one. I insist on the natural look! Hee!


Mack said...

My what a cute pink tongue you have there Lorenza!

Lenny said...

Lorenza, your tongue is very impressive, and I really enjoyed your "weird" things.

Your friend, Lenny

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Lorenza! what a puurdy pink tongue you have. We love pink oh and we think you are impressively smart!

Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Cute tongue, Girl!!!!!

You do seem to have many clothes!!!

We only have coats...but we're hairy we don't really need much cept for Lacie cuz she's wants to be stylin'...

Hey...Poker at our house this weekend...and Seymour's pups are ready!!


Ferndoggle said...

That is the tongue of a true Diva! Bootiful.

And speaking of bootiful Lorenza...our Mom got the most beautiful package from your very talented Grandma on Tuesay!! Our Mom loves it so much & hopes you give your Grandma 1000 kisses from all of us. Especially our Mom. We're gonna post pictures of it tonight.


Ricky Pepper said...

Your pink tongue is so adorable Lorenza! Hope you are having a fun time wearing all of your pretty dresses!


wally said...

Great tongue! And those things are not weird! They are CHARACTER!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You have a very nice tongue.. I bet you are a good licker. Mom gets upset with us because we like to lick her. I don't know why she doesn't like our sloppy kisses??

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Unknown said...

Lorenza! Your tongue is fantastic!!! I would love to see a pic of you eating your veggies w. your leg up :)


Huskee and Hershey said...

Cute tongue Lorenza!
hehehe.. I like your #4... I ALWAYS act like the groomer is trying to kill me, no matter what he is doing!!

Bella said...

great answers & love the happy pictures

The Husky in the Window said...

Oh what fun pictures. You are sure cute.

Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Joe Stains said...

you better love your clothes since you have so many!! good thing that mail man showed up with all your cards!

Thor and Jack said...

Lorenza, você tem uma língua bonita. Eu adorei ver você feliz naquelas fotos. Boas respostas! Além de bonita, é inteligente!


Boo Casanova said...

lorenza, i think Dopey has stop growing bigger now. but i won't be able to tell until he's 1.

your bathroom doesn't have door too? LOL i'm so glad to hear that.

wet wet licks


Ashley said...

Those pictures are too cute!

Maxy just won a contest and will be featured in an upcoming calendar!

We will be doing a drawing for FREE calendars. Just post a comment on our blog if you would like to be entered in the contest!

Happy New Year!

Charlie said...

Great tongue pictures!
- Charlie

i said...

Lorenza, you've got a nice pink tongue :-) Interesting facts about you. Wouldn't say they are weird except the lifting one leg while eating veggie. Hmm...

Balboa said...

you are just too cute Korenza!!!! I'd love to see a photo/video of you eating your veggies with your paw up, how cute!!!!!

WOW, you know some cool commands.

Frenchie SNorts

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i never thought u got such a long tongue...maybe becoz u seldom show us the panting side of u...

Maya and Kena said...

Hey there Lorenza!!
Those are some great pictures of your tongue and some pawsome facts! We also respond to "let's go"; we run to the front door!
Thanks fur the comment you left on our blog!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Dexter said...

Lorenza - I like those weird facts about you! You do have a cute tongue and sound very clever (could use someone clever to help me with my current mystery).


Kien said...

wow lorenza, ur tongue sure looks long!.. hahhah.. licking good!


Anonymous said...

You've got a great tongue Lorenza!! I loved your facts - especially the "three" word - wonder if I could train HM to do that......


Dolly & Zoopy said...

You have the classic daschund tongue....heehee

Dolly and Zoopy

ChaChi Lu said...


Better for kisses! I love that you like cheese too. How do I get Babs to give me "three"? I only get one....lucky.


Luciana "Lula Lanera" said...

eres preciosa lorenza, visita mi blog,soy un boxer.

Frasier said...

Hi Lorenza
We have been seeing your grammys gifts on the blogs,she is so talented!!!
How are you doing on the diet?I have gained so much weight now and I ahve to get back on mine !

sharkgila said...

Pretty tongue you've got there, to match pretty you!
