Monday, December 17, 2007

Its cold!

Many times I've told you about the crazy weather here in Torreon. Yesterday we were at 85 degrees and today morning (and all day long) we've had 39 degrees. Being a girl who loves the sunny and hot days.... I am freezing! My mom told me not to complain. I have to think about all my friends who live in places where its icing and snowing. I sure hope you all are ok! Please take care.
This morning I did not want to get up. My mom was getting ready to go to work and I was under the quilts. When she finished she had to wrapped me like a "taco" with my blankie and we went to my grandparents house. She left me on my grandma's bed and I stayed there almost all the morning. Later, there was a spot of sun in the living room so my grandpa put there my blankie. I was there until the sun disappeared! I wonder when they are going to turn on the heater!
In other order of ideas, Yuki tagged me to talk about 7 annoyances. I know almost all of you have done this, but here are mine:
1.- Of course, the cold weather. I just want to be under the covers.
2.- People who speak pretty loud. That makes me bark, and bark and bark.
3.- When my mom doesn't move and its time for my walkie.
4.- Noisy buses and motorcycles. (Bark, bark, bark)
5.- The vacuum cleaner.
6.- When I play "bitey hands" whit my mom and I can't grab her hands!
7.- When someone closes the door of my bathroom.
Have a good night


Peanut said...

We are sorry it's so cold for you there. I don't like the vacuum either

L said...

You look warm and toasty in your jammies, blankie and with your stuffie. We hate the cold too (even though we have more fur than you). Hope it warms up soon for you.
Comet and BLU

Luckie Girl said...

I hate the cold too..and we don't even have winter in Singapore. I hope you are doing okay my friend.

Kodak the Eskie said...

Oh my gosh, Lorenza. You could not be any cuter all curled up in your jammies in bed. You look so huggable. I hope it warms up for you. I know you aren't used to the cold. Oh -- I hate vacuums too!!!

Hugs and licks,

Yuki n Joyce said...

you look comfy under the quilts! i hate vacuum cleaners too! they are so loud n noisy


Snowball said...

You look so comfortable. I feel sleepy but looking at your pictures.


Asta said...

I suwe hope you stay nice and wawm and don't catch cold..I know how you hate's nice to be all wapped up like a taco..that's sweet.
It sounds like you have delicate little eaws and just don't like big noises
I hope I get to be in mowe movies it was fun
smoochie kisses

Randi said...

Hi Lorenza! You must be cold! You are just a tiny little thing! I think your abuela should make you a nice warm wool coat! IN PINK! Of course pink...its the bestest color!

I'm sleeping under a blankie right now too while my mom/secretary is typing this...I wonder when MY peoples are gonna turn on the heater!

Love & Licks,

ps..I gotta get my slow mom/secretary to take my measurements! I hope there is a measuring tape big enough for me!

Khady Lynn said...

You sure do look comfy and cozy under your blankies!


Juno said...

Lorenza, please please stay warm!!

Momo & Pinot

Ricky Pepper said...

Hi pretty Lorenza! We got your card and it's beautiful! I don't like to get up either...we could snuggle together if i can just make it to's so cold here I decided to pee pee on the floor instead of outside.


Patience-please said...

Stay warm, sweet Lorenza!!

the whippet waggle

Ume said...

we've 2 things in common, Lorenza. vacuum cleaner n bitey hands! if oni u can come visit me in Singapaw, it's definitely much warmer here despite the rain.

i said... looked so warm and comfy snuggled up under the quilt! Stay warm!

I hate the motorcycles too.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, you look soo cute in your pajamas! Must be really cold there in your country. Keep warm ok?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ines said...

Que guapa estas con tu pijama, pareces una bebita

Byron y Xinver said...

HOla Lorenza, aquí también mucho frío de repente, y el Xinver está por ahí, seguramente con nieve (y sin pelo!!). Mañana ya lo tenemos aquí de nuevo. A nosotros tampoco nos gusta nada el ruido de la aspiradora... Besos., Byron.

Noah the Airedale said...

You should come to visit us Lorenza. It's summer and you'd be nice and warm.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Aww how snug you look all cuddled up in bed.

have a nice day
Scrappy and Pebbles

MJ's doghouse said... just look so cozy in your bed...i would never want to wake you up and disturb you....poor little wiener dog...sorry it is so cold for you...

Duke said...

We like to wander in and out of the bathroom too, Lorenza and when the door is clicked closed we always manage to bang our heads on it! Why do they close it? We don't want it closed!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

umekotyan said...

It is warm and it is pleasant in the bed.
There is wanting not to go out in the outside in cold winter.
However, I think wonderful time to be short.

from loved ume tyan


Oh Lorenza i really agree with you about these cold mornings! Mum has to drag me out of my cozy bed to take me for a walk. Even with my coat on its cold. You look so cute all snuggled up with your Loofah puppy. I have a big purple one which I love!
Stay warm,

Anonymous said...

Hey Lorenza, Nice sweater - you look just like my sister Rosie with your loofa dog and all covered up - she hates the cold too and burrows under the covers at night.

Abby & Rosie

p.s we've added you to our friends on Catnip corner, but can't get into our dog log right now - some technical difficulties, but will add as soon as it's back up. thanks for adding us too

Amber said...

Oh Lorenza, you look so comfy in your pjs and your dolly. Make sure you stay warm ! I hate vacumm cleaners too, they're scawie!

Amber :)

Unknown said...

mi chamaquita prefe como estas?
veo que con frio tambien, no sabes aqui.. hoy hasta nevaba...
ante tu pregunta.. nos quedamos con Alma en su casa, ya lo contaremos en el blog..

Tiffany Norris said...

I don't like the vacuum neither! It is scaree!
I hope you stay warm! I have lots of fluff, so I usually don't get cold. Old Girl puts me in my fleece when it get real chilly, though.
Woof, Fred

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh stay warm Lorenza...It's cold and rainy here too!!!

And I DON'T like vacuums either...they scare me!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Girasol said...

aut the bike...I don't like it either.
sometimes I like to sleep the whole day when is cold.

Clover said...

Hi Lorenza,
You are just so cute all snuggled up like a taco in your jammies! Sorry to hear about all that coldness, hope it warms up for you!
Love Clover xo

Thor and Jack said...

Lorenza, eu também não gosto do frio! Odeio motocicletas e pessoas falando alto. Fico aborrecido quando mamãe fica parada na hora do passeio, eu fico latindo! Não gosto que fechem a porta do banheiro! Somos parecidos!!!


Koobuss said...

Boy does that ever look comfy, Lorenza. i don't blame you. I would want to move from there and go out in the cold either. That's a great spot!! Enjoy it.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Louie and I don't mind the cold weather. We do try to crawl on Mom's blanket sometime though. You have such a pretty blanket...

Mack said...

I bet you make a cute taco! You are so lucky to have a gwamma who babysits. I have one too!!

Joe Stains said...

you sure do look all cute in your PJs with your blankie and stuffy friend. I hope it warms up soon!

B said...

Your mom is so nice to wrap you up and carry you to a warm place. My mom would make me walk in my bare footsies outside (she says it's because I'm so darn big).

Asta said...

I think LacyLulu's Mama has something sewious and she has to watch it and if she doesn't she can die ow go to the hospital..anyway just think pawsitive thoughts
hope you'we wawmew today
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

woofies Lorenza, it b cold here now...not weally bad cold, but cold sees u got ur blankie wiff sweet mama is feelin sum betters now...her jus needs to when she starts gettin sick iz get her big butt to da dr..she on drugs now (hmmm lacy- its medicine)..oops ...

b care,

Anonymous said...

Lorenza you look so cute all snuggled up - I hope the humans put the heaters on for you soon!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh stay comfy and keep warm Lorenza

~ Girl girl

Hammer said...

Hi Lorenza
It's so hoomid and hot right now where we live and we've had a lot of rain too, but it's still hot. Mum has to pick the right time to take us out for a walk coz it's too hot. We like the cooler weather better.
Love from Hammer

Harry said...

You look deliciously cosy wrapped up in your blankie.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

fee said...

o lorenza, you look just like a sweet little baby under the quilt! it makes me want to cuddle you!


Bella said...

Oh t may be clod but you look so snuggly warm !!
Thank you so very much for your beautiful Christmas card ;-)

Ferndoggle said...'s cold here too! I'm getting warmer just looking at you all snuggled up in your covers.


Pee Ess...we mailed your card on the 7th! It's coming...I promise!!

Lenny said...

You look so sweet all wrapped up in your blankie! That looks very comfy!

Your friend, Lenny

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hope u dun catch a cold...

wear more clothes n put more blankie on yeah...

KB said...

Lorenza, you looked so warm and cuddly on that bed in that quilt! I'm one of those that has to deal with the snow and ice so I'd love to be cuddled right with you!!

Hope you are well, stay healthy in that crazy changing weather!

PreciOus said...

Dear Lorenza,

I've received your card today! Thank you so much! *Muacks* I am so ashamed to say that I haven't mail out some of the cards yet including yours. *Pouts*

p.s. I've sent you an e-card, hope you don't mind. *Blush*


Chloé said...



Isis said...

awww i know its cold! i'll send you some of my furs!

The Husky in the Window said...

Oh no, I would love to come and keep you warm. I like to snuggle. Your stuffie is soooo cute and your blankie is pretty.

Warm Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

wally said...

I make my ma ape snuggle under the covers with me; it's warmer that way.


Stanley said...

Stay warm, Lorenza! We don't want a frozen weeney dog on our hands!

Why do you not like it when someone closes the door to your bathroom??

Goober love,