Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Two tv'sTwo air fresheners

Two paintings

Many sandals, but two of each pair.

Lucky me.... just one Lorenza!

Today, while my mom was working on the computer, I noticed that there is a pattern here in our house. There are two of many things. Two tv's, two paintings, two lamps, two air fresheners, two phones. And the worst are my mom sandals. She has two of each one. And I don't mean one per each foot, nooooo.... two identical pairs of each one! You know, she has a problem with her feet. Her shoe size is 25 (american size). And here is pretty hard to find this size. Soooo, when she finds something she likes and in her size, she tries to get them in different colors! Yes, silly mom!
Have a good night


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Lorenza my darling,

I liked the last picture the best...only l of least she knows there could only be one you.

Did you read my story...The Mommy messed up & put Jacks's name but i'm the big red boy so it's ME, Me, Me.

Hope you don't mind but I told everybody on DWB that you was my still are aren't you...I be brokenhearted if you aaren't.


Asta said...

It would be impossible to find two pawfect Lorenzas..when you wewe bown "they bwoke the mold"
I don't know if you know that expwession, but it means you awe pawfect and they can't make two of you
smoochie kisses

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Our mom does that shoe thing too. She has really ugly feet (uh, sorry mom).
Ozzie & Rocky
P.S. There could NEVER be another Lorenza!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh.. how do you watch 2 tvs at the same time. There can only be one cute Lorenza. :)

~ Girl girl

Patience-please said...

Hi Lorenza! I'm Lindy Loo. That's me with my Servant when I was tiny. I'm a hound too, but m legs are long.
I live in a house with the two Servants and my eight friends and relations... mostly relations. Nice to meet you!
I'm glad you got the cap off without choking to death. You could eat the sandals and then there wouldn't be so many! I chewed up a Krok today into teeny little pieces. It's the Servant's yard shoe. She still has another one.
your new friend-
Lindy Loo

Koobuss said...


There can only be one Lorenza!! You are a real sweetie.

Koobuss Kisses,

Luckie Girl said...

Hi Lorenza,
Of course there's only ONE of YOU!! Cos you are simply too special.

Anonymous said...

Good dectective work Lorenza and there's only one of you cos you are sooo unique!!


L said...

Your mom has lots of pretty shoes. When is she going to get you pretty shoes to go with all of your pretty dresses?

Lacy said...

woofies lorenza, heehee me likies dey rest of em, dey cans only b one u...u gaved ur mama da pawfect look too!!!!

b safe,

Amber-Mae said...

Lucky that there's only one Dachie in the house & that's you Lorenza! Here in my home, there's two Goldens. Me & Chloe. Why can't there only be me in the household...*sigh*

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ines said...

Lorenza, tu eres UNICA!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Its like Noahs ark. everything is going in two by two. I bet your Mummy has way more shoes then that.

Simba xx

Girasol said...

para que mas? Tu eres unica Lorenza...todo el amor va para ti.

Duke said...

Imagine if there were two Lorenza's - you'd have to get a bigger house for twice as many dresses!

Love ya lots,


Yes there could only be one Lorenza! Mum has a big foot and has trouble getting shoes here in Japan because most women's shoes stop at 25cms and her foot is 27cms!!! By the way it was great to see your smiling happy face back again.
Jazz and Dixie

Unknown said...

ie lorenza. es que tu vales por dos :)
nos ha encantado la foto con tu sonrisa..
que tengas un buen fin de semana..
nos leemos

Ferndoggle said...

That is for sure! Only one are one of a kind.

Our Mom does that...buys 2 of something that she likes alot. Always good to have a backup!


Ruby Bleu said...

There can ONLY be one Lorenza!!!!

Oh and my mom does the same thing with shoes too!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Harry said...

Are you sure she doesn't buy lots of shoes in case you chew one?!

Toodle pip,

Harry x

Frasier said...

Thank God there is only one of you!!!

Byron y Xinver said...

Ey Lorenza, tĂș vales por dos, por supuesto, o mejor, no se puede calcular lo que vales...

Isis said...

two is a good number, but you're right, there can never be another lorenza!

Joe Stains said...

I'd be on the lookout for a lorenza 2!!!

Deefor said...

Be glad there is only one Lorenza in the house. But that is a nice collection of shoes.


P.S. Now you can root for the Rockies.

Asta said...

i would have to leawn a lot mowe befowe i can teach evewyone!
but I like the idea of us having a pokew pawty!
how was youw day??hope it was good
smochie kisses

Kien said...

Hi Lorenza.. yeah.. lucky you.. lucky that there is only you..


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

There be only one of you since you be so special!!

Four Pugz

MJ's doghouse said...

one of you is just enough Lorenza..thats the way it should be...

Stanley said...

Of COURSE there is only one Lorenza!!

You are very observant to notice this pattern in your house. Any other interesting patterns that you've noticed? I'm curious.

Goober love,

Stanley said...

By the way, Lorenza. Who is this Dachsie boy I see who is calling himself your boyfriend? Do tell us all about Mr. Toby. Inquiring minds HAVE to know.

Goob love,

José Tan said...

2 TVs? One for your family and the other one reserved for you only?

Thor and Jack said...

One adorable Lorenza!

Huskee and Hershey said...

* High Five * You are not alone Lorenza!! I got a weird mom too!! When she finds a piece of clothing that she likes, she buys 2 different colors (sometimes even 3!!)...
Yes, luckily only ONE Huskee.. *whew*

Clover said...

Haha, lots of twos!
But you are unique Lorenza! We love you!
Love Clover xo

Poppy said...

I can't imagine two Lorenzas. You're too unique!


Boo Casanova said...

hi lorenza,

the reasons mom has 2 dresses because the long one is for the reception. the short one is for the tea ceremony. we (yes, including me) are chinese so they have a tea ceremony where the younger generation are serving tea to the elderly. there you go!

wet wet licks


the many Bs said...

Only one Lorenza because you are one of a kind! Lucky you and lucky your mom too! We like her two pairs of each kind of shoe, but different colors. Our mom does that too. She doesn't like shoes much, so when she finds some she actually does like, then it's two pair - in different colors. That's funny!

Suki & Joey said...

Uhhhh...I think she must be a size 25 in Mexico, not in the US, right? Cuz that would be, like, bigger than Michael Jordan's feet and her shoes don't look THAT big! ;)

Sorry the Santos lost. When will your Mom learn? hehehe!

Puggy kisses