Friday, September 21, 2007

Penny and Lola's Party!

We will go to Penny and Lola's party! The theme is the 70's.

Here I am waiting for Ruby. I wasn't prepared for this party and I couldn't find the right outfit! So I decided to wear this silly dress (my mom says its more 80's but..... who cares???)
Penny and Lola did not say anything about bringing something to the party, but I wanted to cooperate.... and this is what I chose....

Some steaks


And of course.... yummy treats!!!!

I can't wait! Sure we will have fun! It is a shame that Sherman will no be there, but we will tell him about the party when he comes home!
My mom is a little bit worried because we will not have parental supervision since Jenny and Scott will be at Merryland, but I told her not to worry... we all know how to behave and we just want to be together and have fun!

See you there!
Have a good night


Boo Casanova said...

lorenza, i'm so looking forward for the pawty!

wet wet licks


Stanley said...


I'll pick you up on the GooberStan Pawty Bus ~ you can ride with all of us to the pawty!

WooHoo! Can't wait to see you, girl!

Goober love,

Katherine and Pippa said...

I don't know if I will be there or not. It depends on Misery Mistress. Pooh.

If I don't get there have a good time and give besos to everyone from me.


Simba and Jazzi said...

Now thats what I call party food.

Simba xx

Duke said...

OMG look at those treats! I better dig deeper in the closet and find me an outfit! Save me a cookie, Lorenza!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Lorenza...
Stanley's driving (we're going to give Air Ruby a rest for Asta's pawty). You look great!! Oh and you are confirmed for your flight for Asta's!!!

Lots of Licks and see you soon!


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Hola Lorenza,

You look really smart! I going in Stan's cawe to the pawty also!

xxx Asta down under

Amber said...

Hey Lorenza!! Aw, I'm going to miss out all the yummies you're brining. Hope you have a gweat time at the pawty!!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lorenza, what a load of lovely snacks you're providing. I'm not going to the pawty tonight cos I've got to wash my hair ready for Asta on Monday! J x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh Lorenza I think it is a good job the parents wont be there! I think it will be a wild and groovy night! Yay!

See you there! Your dress is just right!

Hana said...

Ohhh, those yummy treats look soooooo GOOD!!!

Congratulations on getting 2nd place for the Awesome Blog Award. I actually think 2nd place is a pretty good place because when someone goes to the Dogs With Blogs web page, the first picture they will see is YOURS! (at least that is how it worked before).

the many Bs said...

lorenza, you look perfect in your 80's dress. you will have a bunch of fun at that party. don't stay up too late.

Girasol said...

I'm so ready for the pawty too! I'm not a "dancing queen" but I'll try.

Frasier said...

I love the food Lorenza,See you there

Randi said...

Hi Lorenza! Your dress is stunning! A little thang like you can wear anything & it looks great! See you at the pawty!
Love & Licks,

Isis said...

I hope you have the best time ever!

I can't make it this time around!


btw, the reason sister got a kitty is because she works 10 hours a day, and she thought that wasnt fair to a puppy. Even though she's very much a dog person, she just couldn't do that to a pups. But, kittys are very self-sufficient, and she knew that it would be ok during that time. She alwso knew that she needed some kind of pet.

Anonymous said...

Whoa - that's some food selection you are taking - great choices!!


Melissa said...

OH Lorenza you look SO cool! Did you have fun at the party?
China & Madie

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Lorenza! I want to know how was the party!
Love licks

Asta said...

Thank you so much fow youw congwatulations! and congwatulations to you too fow being the featuwed blog fow september!!
I honestly hated rwunning against my good fwiends, but it is a weally gweat birfday pwesent,and that's pwobably why my fwiends voted fow me..thank you
see you at my pawty!
love and sneep tight
smoochie kisses

Deefor said...

Hope you had a good time. That outfit is smashing. I am still running around naked here. And congratulations on the win!


ToFFee said...

those are yummylicious food!

wah! 'm still in jail.. I hope they let me have some breal to go to Asta's pawty~


Luckie Girl said...

Heyyyyy - How was the pawty?? :)

José Tan said...

Wow! The treats sure look yummilious! Drooling already..

Byron y Xinver said...

Ya nos contarás de esa fiesta.... parece muy divertido.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We like the outfit Lorenza. So what if it's a little '80's--that was a super era too!
You asked about the smell in Ozzie's ears---he has an ear infection that comes and goes and that smell is caused from that! Yuck!
Don't pawty too hardy! Have a fun and safe trip!
Ozzie & Rocky

L said...

That's quite a party you have planned. I hope you have fun. Don't eat too many of the treats or your pretty dresses won't fit any more.

JustMeCopper said...

Are those milk shakes?

Khady Lynn said...

Wow, those treats look absolutely awesome!!! Have fun!


Ferndoggle said...

Thanks for bringing all the munchies Lorenza! Everything was delicious...especially the steaks! It was a good thing Sherman *wasn't* there...there wouldn't be any food for us!

Penny & Lola

Joe Stains said...

you look great in that dress, it does remind mom of the 80s!