Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I am ready to go out for my halloween walkie wearing my halloween dress 2010 edition...
Scary eyes are in order!

The spooky house...

The spooky tree with the spooky birds...


Spooky barking doggies!

Nobody gave me treats. I hope my grandma will have something for me!

Happy Halloween to all of you!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A short walkie...

I was happily walking... then my mom told me "Look... Lorenza... look"...


Oh, yes.... I see....

But she did not let me chase them!

Some sniffing...


Have a good night

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wordless... almost


Have a good night

Monday, October 25, 2010

A long walkie...

Today the weather cooperated with me and it let me go out for a loooong walkie...

Sniffing the plants...

Enjoying the sun...

I saw this interesting tree... it looks like two in one....

And those look like a family...

Barking Jessica...

And of course... I ignored her....

Have a good night

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rain... rain...

Today was another rainy day.
Thankfully the rain did not take away the power and the internet!

When the rain went away.... it was my walkie time!

Barky dog there...

Garbage birdie... (?)

Well... time to go home


My mom was lazy today. No works in the house. She just re-arranged the hundreds of cables on the roof. Phone cables, satellite tv cables, cable tv cables, internet cables! In the process she left my grandparents without tv... but it was just for a few minutes... Ooops!

Have a great sunday!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Waiting for my mom...

The weather is nicer these days and I can't go out for walkies on tuesdays and thursdays. My mom is taking a course and she comes home at 7:30 pm. At that time is already dark outside soooo....

The good thing is that this will be only for 6 weeks!
Week one is over... 5 more to go!

Have a good night

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DIY updates....

Old painting, yucky "courtains" and a ceiling fan without arms...

New painting and new courtains... same fan...


The wood cabinet.
It still needs to be painted inside... but my mom wanted to have it installed to put there some of the things she had on the floor.

My new stainless steel pee-pee place!
My mom made it too!

No more towel on the floor.
This is now my favorite place to watch my mom working around the house!

Aaaand no.... she has not finished yet!

Have a good night

Sunday, October 17, 2010


... my mom does not know if cry or laugh with our computer-internet-problems!
Hugo checked the laptop and he did not find anything wrong with it. So, my mom brought it yesterdad and when she tried to work on it... it was still veeeeery slooooooow.
She called the internet company's service area and after serveral instructions they found the problem...

This was the problem. The micro-filter that is fixed to the phone connection. This small thing made us going crazy! They told my mom that we could use the internet without it but we need to get a new one... soon.

Laser eyes to make these problems to go away... forever!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Congratulations Chile!

The last 24 hours my mom has cried 33 times. One per each one of the miners who were rescued today. We are happy for them, for their families and for all the people in Chile. They gave us an example of unity and hope!

For a Wordless Wednesday... a yummy treat!

My computer is acting weird again. Hugo, my mom's very nice friend is going to check it but I don't know if I will get it back tomorrow. If I disappear for a couple of days... you will know the reason...

Have a good night

Monday, October 11, 2010

More changes...

Do you remember how I loved to climb on my table to eat??

Well... I am not longer able to do that because...

My mom changed my feeding table...

I still enjoy my food... but it is not as fun as it was...

Have a good night

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Me and my ball...

Coming up to the bed hoping my mom wants to play with me...

Please mom.... let's play....

Where is my ball?

I can't see it...

Haaaa! I found it!


End of the game?? Hmmm....

My mom is still working in our house.
Today she painted the doors of the closet and made a wood cabinet.

During the week she went to serveral stores looking for a cabinet to put the cleaning stuff but she could not find the one she wanted. She saw one that could work but it was too expensive to be a simple cabinet so she decided to make it herself.

The result?? Well... let's say that the work of the carpenters of the world is safe. She will not take their place... ever. But... the cabinet will cover our needs!

I hope you all are having a great weekend!