Monday, September 14, 2009

Feeling like new...

This is what I ate that made me feel sick.... Corn with chili powder, cream and lemon!
I will not tell you why I ate it but it was another case of....
"Ooops I ate it!"
I promise I will not do it again...
Enjoying my walkie...

Sniffing... sniffing...

I saw alive birds...

And a dead one too!

A dead lizard... and the ants eating it! Ewwwww....

My mom tried to take a picture of me smelling these flowers but I did not cooperate!

What is this??
Those are some of the Word Verification we had to type when leaving a comment on some of your blogs!!
It is funny because normally we have to type words with meaning in spanish which are easy for us, but today they were WEIRD!
Have a good night


L said...

We're glad you are feeling better. Comet would have eaten that too!! We have birds and lizards that look just like yours.

Thor and Jack said...

Estou tão contente que você está se sentindo bem melhor. Você está simplesmente adorável naquelas fotos!


Teddy Bear said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! Sierra would've loved to eat that corn. Such pretty flowers, just like you!

Teddy Bear

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad you're feeling better, but that sure was one weird eating spree. Yuck!

Maxmom said...

Hey there Lorenza
We are glad you are feeling better. You must be better...since you were out walking! Very pretty dress, yet again!
Lots of licks

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh yes!

Most definitely happy woo are feeling better!

Mom says that sounds yummy tasty!

Tank woo fur sharing your walk - and that furry pretty pink dress!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Those are some crazy words all right! I've been thinking I should collect the CAPTCHAs I have to enter and use them as names of characters in my stories.

Anonymous said...

don't think I've ever had corn... maybe I better stay away from it. cute dress Lorenza.

Stella said...

Hi Lorenza: I think the reason you are feeling good again is that you are wearing your pink polka dotz dress and its so pretty it would make anyone feel good!


Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so glad you are feeling better Lorenza. I got into some of my sisters sushi and was sick all over one morning. I know how you felt. Maybe we should try to stay away from those things. Oh who am I kidding I would do it all over again.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Mack said...

So glad your tummy is feeling better!
I've never eaten corn before - is it good?

Byron y Xinver said...

Hey lleva cuidado que esas cosas son muy fuertes para el estómago...

Clive said...

Hi Lorenza
Glad you're feeling better again.
Love the dress!
Take care

Hailey said...

Hi Lorenza! My dad likes to eat corn that way to but while it's on the cob with all the fixings. Mom says its gross.... i agree! Love your pretty dress today! The lizard and dead bird are kinda yucky... I had to close my eyes a bit.

Hugs & smooches xoxo

Duke said...

Anything with lemon in it is yucky! Mitch says it looks good to him and he's game to try it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

I hope you feel better now...and I hope there will be no more "oups..."
Kisses, Faya

Dexter said...

Oh dear! Sometimes things that seem like a good idea turn out to be not such a good idea when they come back up.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better AND you look gorgeous in your pink dress. Now don't eat that dead bird or lizard.

We always get very bizarre verification words too but sometimes they can be very funny.

Have a good week.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

My Mind's Eye said...

You certainly do have interesting walkies. Love the hot pink dress. I do declare red heads can wear ANY color. I'm glad you feel better stay away from chili powder.
Mom often finds the word verifications funny too. In all these months she has only typed one word that was REALLY a word. Very unique idea to put them in the POST!! You and mom are smart.
Madi and Mom

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

yes--those verification words are weird!!!

Patience-please said...

Glad you are feeling better! We think that lizard would have been most excellent to roll in and get stinky!

wags from the whippets

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Lorenza, Soooo glad you are better. It is almost time for the big unveiling of your SPECIAL Indepenednce Day dress. I can't wait.

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Don't worry we would have eaten it too - it looks yummy, even the ant eating the lizard looks yummy!

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

glad u feeling better Lorenza. Mom ran away when she saw the lizard pic.

Bijou said...

Hi Lorenza,

I'm not surprised that corn gave you a tummy ache! You saw some interesting things on your walk.

Wags & wiggles,

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

Lorenza, we are glad you are feeling better. Looks like you had a very nice walk in a very pretty dress!

Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Glad you are feeling better!! What an interesting walk you had...full of the good, the bad and the ugly..tee hee


Anonymous said...

We're glad yer feeling better

Fred said...

Wowowow! That looks like some spicy stuffs! And I have trouble with the word verification, too.

sadermaxx said...

Hi Lorenza!
We are glad your feeling better, the nose always tells you to eat everything, even if its not good for you.

Lady Kaos said...

Glad you're feeling better. That doesn't sound like a very yummy thing to eat so definately stay away from it!!

Martha said...

Hi Lorenza
We are just glad you are OK but you must not eat these things!
What a very interesting walk - we have never seen a real lizard!
We think Scotland might be too cold for them,
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Chewie said...

corn and chili? did it taste good? sounds good!

Chewie, Le mops & lola

Homer said...

Hi Lorenza,

I hope you are feeling a lot better today.


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
We're glad you're feeling better. If we ate chili powder we'd be sick too.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we wish you could come play with us too.

The Army of Four said...

Yum - chili powder!
You look beautiful in your pink dress!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sure glad you know not to eat that anymore.. You always looks so cute in the your little dress on your walks. Stay away from those dead critters..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Yogui said...

No se no se, pero esa mezcla de comida me parecía muy rara para una princesa. ¿De verdad te la comiste?.

Eric said...

Wagging you are better Lorenza. I would have eaten the whole bowl. bet you only had a dainty little nibble!
Wiry love n kisses Eric xx


Wow! That stuff looks good! No wunder you ate it! We would have eaten it too!

Mommy says when something looks too good to be eat, it's not! She can be such a downer at times!

Oh, and don't get her starded on those silly words!!!!

Riley and Star.

Constança Lucas said...

Lovely Lorenza
Nice pictures



Rufus and Indie said...

Poor birdie!
You ate all that? We hope your tummy feels better now!
Rufus and Indie

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Lorenza!

Lovvvvvvve your bellissima pink dress, la mia amica!!! You are such a fashionista!!

Tanti baci!

Two French Bulldogs said...

ugh Lorenza muy mal. Don't eat that again! I think those words are russian or something BOL
benny & Lily

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

I could see how that might have caused an upset stummy. In fact, I think I feel a little ill looking at it! ;-) I think those verification words are secret codes to the aliens that turn dogs into chickens (don't ask me, ask Dennis the Vizsla Dog) to tell them to attack. But I could be wrong....

*kissey face*

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

Uh oh another case of the "oops I ate it." We are glad that you are feeling better - the chili powder would probably have made Mama sick.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Chow Chow said...

Oh no..Corn and chillies are bad combo for us doggies...please watch what you eat next time!

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Lorenza,
Glad you're feeling better. I think I'd have been sick too if I ate all that chilli.

Noah xx

The Animal Doctor said...

Hi Lorenza! Here in the Philippines we have a dessert that looks like the one you ate- Mais con Yelo. It consist of sweet corn kernels, sugar, milk,crushed ice. Minus the chili powder of course!

lovelots, Trudis

Cocorue said...

hey girl, i leave you alone for a couple of days and you get sick......what am i going to do with yoo????

i will have to take you along with me the next time around...

pee esss: pretty dress as usual, very pretty

Taffy said...

A true doxie eats anything they can get a hold of even if it makes them sick....that would be you and me! Nobody said we were the smartest bloggers but I think we are the cutest! I would love to hear the story of how you snatched that dish without being caught! I might learn something.

River said...

Good idea to avoid the corn mix! We are glad to hear you feel better. We get some strange words everyday on blogger, too.

love & wags,

koko said...

Chili and corn mix may not be a good idea for your tummy. Dead bird and lizards... hmmm, what trail are you taking on your walks?

Licks, hero

Koobuss said...

Oh Lorenza!

You are so lucky that you were not a lot sicker. That stuff is not good for us doggies. We're supposed to eat steaks and treats. At least that's what I try to tell my mom.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess Glad you are feeling better.

Deefor said...

That is some strange human food. No wonder you got sick. Pretty dress for your walkie. I never see cute doggies like you walking around here.

Moco said...

Those are very weird words. What were you thinking eating all that stuff?

My Mind's Eye said...

Wednesday 9/15
Hi Lorenza!!! Rick @ Seaboard is probably the nicest cafe owner we know. He calls all his regulars by name, remembers things about them and is just like family.
We hope you and your family are doing well today.
Madi and Mom

Thoughts said...

How weird that you saw all those dead creatures Lorenza, grody!!

you look so pretty in your pink dressy!! WE love it!

Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

so glad you are better, although I bet your "ahem" sick was rather a funny colour.........;0D

we don't like Word Verification, and those ones you posted about were certainly very WEIRD.

OR as word verification would have it DIREw

lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxxxx

Astrid Keel said...

We're so glad you're feeling better... we understand about chili and tummy troubles - well, "we" don't... Momster does! BOL!

C said...

Lorenza...try popping the corn....much better. We're not sure the chili was the bad part because Fo eats horse radish cheese with no problem! And ants...well, Fo eats those too. (if the ants like it, it must be good) :(

Joe Stains said...

oh boy that corn would have upset my tummy too. you saw lots of fun things on your walk today, and some not so fun things :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Friday 9/18
Hi Lorenza!!! Thanks for checking in with us during your holiday!!! We hope you are having a good time with your peeps. Have a good weekend.
Madi and Mom!!!