Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Collar toy

I am bored....

I need a toy....

I found one....

Ha! I like this toy....

Chew, chew, chew

Yes, this is the one I wanted... so what mom?

My mom says I am silly (?). I have a basket full of toys. Looking for one of them to entertain myself I found my old collar. I like it a lot. I was chewing it for more than 2 hours. Simple things are the best!
Have a good night


Joe Stains said...

Tanner will chew on a plain old water bottle forever! Mom always says the free toys are often the best!

Too Cute Pugs said...


We think collars are pretty tasty too. Sometimes toys are just not enough!

Pug snorts from,
Pearl & Daisy

Dexter said...

Lorenza --
You are not silly. You can have anything you find!


the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, chewing on collars is good fun. sometimes we chew on our leashes. mom doesn't always appreciate that, especially when we chew them in half. oh well, she just doesn't understand the value of chewing.


Emily and Ike said...

My mom always wonders why I chew on books and cardboard - what do moms know?

Koobuss said...


You are so right. I have a huge basket full of toys, too. But what I like the best is an empty, plastic water bottle! Nothing else can make the kind of noise that they do. Hehehehe

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Amber-Mae said...

Yeah, like toilet rolls, plastic bags, papers, magazines, envelopes & cardboard boxes too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ben & Darling said...

Yes, its best to chew the collar...all of them!!

Boo Casanova said...

lol lorenza, we dogs do not bother what is it when our mouth start itchy. the cow for instance, he chew everything like the table leg, zippers, paints, boxes... u name it, he'll chew it. including me!

wet wet licks


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

The most unconventional toys are the best ones! My human spends lots of money on my toys and chewies...and I prefer things like water bottles...or shoes, right next to Squiggly and Solomon of course!
Hope you have a good day!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hee that look like a pawsome toy. Could it be you like the sound the bell makes?

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Mitch is forever chewing on my collar! It's M&M flavor! Is your collar a raspberry flavor, Lorenza?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

I (Hershey) like chewing on my collar. I even try to bite the leash when Mama and I go for a walk. She doesn't like that very much.

Mama has even given me some old socks (they have holes but are clean) that I like to drag around and chew. Those are the best!

Love -


Hi, Lorenza -

I like soda bottles (full or empty) but my ultimate favorite toy is kicking around an empty mayonnaise jar!

Love -


Mack said...

Aren't collars wonderful to chew on? Though I have noticed Mom will start getting a little loud if it's a new one. What does she know?

Ferndoggle said...

Simple things ARE the best. I found an old ice cube tray once & chewed on it for an entire afternoon.

Stuffies are still nice though.


Girasol said...

2 horas!!! wow! si que tuviste un buen momento con el collar...yo tambien asi a veces me quedo pegada con algunos jugetes.

L said...

We've never tried chewing our collars before. It looks like yours has a bell, and that would be very fun to play with.
Comet and BLU

Thor and Jack said...

É verdade! E mastigar a coleira é muito divertido!


Moco said...

We have a toy basket like yours and Dawson would rather chew on his paw.

Petra said...

If there were any old collars around our house, I'd chew on them, too. I have found an old leash & it's fun to chew on it. But I'm like you, Lorenza. Forget the toys and let me have whatever I can find around the house!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I've never tried to chew on a collar before. I bet they are pretty tastey.

Simba xx

The Daily Echo said...

Simple is good. Meeka loves empty pretzel containers. We have several squashed ones placed strategically thorughout the house.

Juno said...

Lorenza!! Wow, it sonds like you enjoyed a treasure hunt. :) We know what you mean by chewing the old toy. You never know what you have missed.

Momo & Pinot

Deetz said...

Wow you got about as many toys as I have got, but yours look cooler then mine. I tore the heads off of most of em.
My heart gets all fluttery now when I look in your eyes..You are so pretty....hehe

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Lorenza! We so agree simple things can be the funnest!

Wow we jus caught up on your bloggie cos we've still seem to have computee problems... you look so beeuutiful in all your purdy dresses but congrats on your weight loss mommy is so yealous cos she want to lose. Like your friends and if you ever get tire of any of your purdy dresses you can give one to your friend. Hey don't be down your mommy didn't share the corn dish cos corn id fatty and you don't want those ichy pounds back.

Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud today!

Anonymous said...

Your collar must be a toy - why elese would it be in the toy box!!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Louie has toys too but he is perfectly happy playing with a stick or chasing his own tail..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrrr Lorenza
looks like you had fun with that old collar Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

CoCo said...

I usually like to grab a rope toy of sort when I'm bored. I chew on the individual strands of the rope and my Mama says that I'm flossing. At least it reduces tartar build up and I would have to brush less.

You have the right idea. Simple toys that we can chew are the best.


Islay said...

I like your old collar, too, Lorenza, and your toy basket. I used to have a toy basket, when I was young. I don't play with toys anymore, now that I'm old, just tissue paper!

licks & slobbers

Peanut said...

was it yummy?

i said...

I agree, simple things are the best! But that's such a lovely pink collar to chew on, isn't it?

Xsara and Tani said...

I agree! Xsara loves playing with things that don't cost anything the most - her favorite are empty plastic bottles. She loves them more than any expensive toy I've ever bought her.

Byron y Xinver said...

Ya me gustaria a mi que el Xinver tuviera por juguetes sólo sus juguetes y no TODO lo que le apetece.... Que demonio...

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Lorenza,
Totally agree with you.. Simple things are the best!! I like to chew on tissue paper.. Hee

Noah the Airedale said...

Goodness Lorenza, what did the collar look like after you chewed it for 2 hours lol....

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Toffee said...

I prefer my mom's "collar" well it looks sort of like a collar but actually it is her belt. I've managed to chew two of them so far! yummy!

your pal,

☮momoKo said...

Thank You Lorenza,I like that picture too.

Fred said...

Oh, Lorenza, you are brave! I don't like to mess with my collar or my leash when they are off. My Old Girl will tell me to "go get it," which I will do with almost anything else. But I is scared of my collar!

Deefor said...

Arrow ate my harness and I had to wear it with duckie tape. But it looks like you are a very delicate chewer. Pink looks yummy.


Deetz said...

Oh my paw? Thanks for asking. I must have stepped on something sharp, while chasing after a ball.
It is getting better. I still limp so I can get some antibiotics and stuff. I think mum is catching on though. The medicine is also pink colored.

Lizzy said...

Collars certainly do make good chew toys, that's for sure!

I hope you have a grrrreat weekend, Lorenza!


Lady Kaos said...

That doesn't seem weird at all around our house. Sasha's most favorite toy is her old leash. She plays tug of war and chews on it and has a blast with it. She's 5 now and that thing doesn't look very good right now, but she still loves it.

Sami & Baylee said...


I like that pretty pink collar too! Pink is your color and looks just lovely on you Lorenza!

Kisses & Licks,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yepper we truly like going to class and seeing all our new friends. Rocky is the big Great Dane and Louie is constantly tormenting him trying to get him to play..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Cassidy said...

Tee hee, you do be a silly billy Lorenza!

Have a lovely weekend.
Cassidy x

Kathryn and Ari said...

At least you're not chewing on the collar you're wearing! I love that you dogs have such great priorities when it comes to toys: Ari has a basket of toys a lot like yours, but she still prefers bark from the firewood nearby!

Myeo said...

It may be strange and silly but it sure does happen. Anydog can relate to it.

Boy n Baby

Eric said...

Those hooman are sometimes just so tiresome about things us doggies like, they just don't get it do they?

Wiry wags, Eric x